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7 Positive Opportunities You Can Find During a Midlife Crisis

woman in black coat standing on street

Please enjoy this guest post from written by Sheila Olson

Many people talk about midlife crises like they're a joke, right up until they experience it themselves. It is not an exaggeration to say that your mortality becomes a constant and unsettling presence in your mind at a certain age. For some, a midlife crisis is an excuse to indulge in expensive purchases and other vices in an attempt to get their mind off the inevitable. However, there are absolutely positive opportunities that can be found even during a so-called midlife crisis. Once you know what possibilities await you, you can turn the later years of adulthood into the best time of your life. Here are some tips.


1. Reorganizing Your Life

A midlife crisis can be taken as a sign that you should organize your personal priorities in a meaningful way. Now more than ever, you might want to prioritize your health and your desire for new life experiences over any career obligations that may serve as a source of unhappiness. 


Reorganizing your living space can actually be just as important as organizing your mindset. The environments where you live, work, and spend time with family contribute largely to how you feel about those activities. Take some time to declutter, organize, and clean your home. 


2. Learning New Skills

Psychologists state that learning new skills is important for maintaining a healthy level of cognitive function. You can help your mind remain strong by constantly learning things during the middle of your life and well into your senior years.


Focus on acquiring skills that are personally fulfilling and that stoke your unique interests. Mastering hobbies such as art, gardening, and yoga can improve your mental health and might even make the world around you more beautiful.


3. Consider Relocating

Moving can be a daunting prospect, but it can also offer a fresh start and a chance to reinvent oneself. In addition to providing a new beginning, moving can also help to boost one's mood and improve mental health. It can also lead to new opportunities and experiences, which can help to prevent feelings of stagnation. If you’re not certain you want to reside in your new location long term, consider renting a house or apartment. You can view online listings and filter by price, home type, and amenities. Some listings also offer virtual tours so you can “tour” homes without having to visit in person.


4. Starting Your Own Business

Being stuck in a professional rut can be the catalyst for many a midlife crisis, and it most certainly calls for a career change. It could even be a sign that it's time to pursue your dream of becoming an entrepreneur. Keep in mind that you’ll need to formulate a business plan that includes how you’ll market your products or services, structure your business, find funding, and more.


Your business structure will determine how you run your business, pay taxes, handle paperwork, and more. Many small business owners opt to form an LLC. This structure can protect your assets in case of litigation and provides tax benefits.


5. Getting Fit

By making staying fit a priority in our lives, we can better cope with the challenges that come with mid-life. The benefits of fitness are innumerable. For one thing, regular exercise helps to reduce stress levels and increase feelings of well-being and happiness. This is important because it gives us a greater sense of control over our circumstances and allows us to better manage distressing emotions. Additionally, fitness improves sleep quality and stamina, which help us stay energized throughout the day and can aid in mental clarity and focus. And perhaps most importantly, getting regular exercise helps to build strong relationships with others through socializing and sharing experiences with friends or other like-minded individuals. When you’re ready to get started, reach out to our favorite trainer Saara for a transformational fitness programs that strengthens your mind and body!


6. Reconnecting With Friends

The hustle and bustle of daily life can lead to you losing touch with old friends. It might be time to reconnect and rekindle old friendships, and you can do so by using a search engine to see where your acquaintances are now and get quick results that will help you reach out to long-lost friends.


7. Travel

Traveling during a midlife crisis can be beneficial for many reasons. It can help you to take a break from your everyday routine, explore new cultures and lifestyles, and learn more about yourself. In addition, traveling can also help you to meet new people and make new friends. And, of course, it can be a great way to relieve stress and tension.


Overcoming a midlife crisis is a major psychological hurdle. It is a time of reflection, reevaluation, and perhaps a little trepidation. When you make the decision to live the rest of your life to the fullest, though, you may realize that having a tiny bit of anxiety can spur you to accomplish meaningful things. By learning new skills, reorganizing, reconnecting with friends, going on a trip, and even relocating or starting your own business, you can work through your midlife crisis.


Please visit our friend’s site to see more from Sheila Olson

Written by: Sheila Olson

Photo Credit: Image: Pexels

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Black Friday Sale

In celebration of Black Friday, we have a few special deals to share with you taking place now through Monday, November 28th!

For any of these deals, you can use code “BF2022” to receive the discount.


1. Saara Workouts Monthly Membership: 50% off Your First Month

These workouts are designed to take place anywhere, with minimal equipment needed. They can be adapted to all levels of fitness and can be completed whenever best fits your schedule. If you can’t catch the live filming, replays will be provided. You’ll also have access to a library of videos.  

Plus, you’ll receive accountability and other goodies to help keep you interested and motivated. No more excuses!

New workouts are released each week in the membership, with an option to join 2 additional live workouts (Mondays @ 1:00 pm / Wednesdays @ 8:30 am MST).

Sign up here.


2. Individual Move at Work Challenge: 50% off EVERY Month

The Move at Work Challenge Program is an online membership program designed to help you feel better at work!

Every weekday, you’ll receive an email with a link to a movement video. No equipment is needed, except sometimes a desk or chair. And movements are meant for all levels. It takes less than 7 minutes a day, but the benefits are huge!

Move at Work Challenge will help you feel energized during the day, may help to reduce pain, increase your productivity, and improve your mood – you may even laugh!

Sign up here.


3. Brain Re-Mapping Session: 50% off

This is an NLP technique that will allow you to completely rid yourself of a “bad” habit – I did this in August and haven’t scrolled Instagram more than 2 minutes since. We rewire your brain to replace something you no longer want to do with a positive behavior.

Sign up here.


4. Book a Breakthrough Session: 50% off

If you’re ready for change, book a breakthrough session with me today! Let’s make this the year you actually start to feel good in your own skin. The year you have more vitality, energy, confidence, and health.

Sign up here.


5. 30 Day Plant Based Program: 50% off

Are you ready to feel more vibrant, healthy, and energized?! Adopting a plant-based diet (even just for one month), can be a life-changing experience, as well as an amazing move for your health.

This program has been carefully crafted to deliver the maximum amount of benefits for your body, while keeping in line with our “simple and easy” recipe philosophy.

Sign up here.


6. Home Workouts E-Book: 50% off

 This e-book started with 20 workouts… but has grown to more than 125 (and still growing)!! It’s one of our most popular programs because it takes out all the thinking about what to do for workouts!

You can use this e-book at home, at the gym, or while traveling. There are workouts for everyone, all different levels – many that don’t require any equipment, or others that do if you’re at the gym.

I created this program because I realized so many people were struggling with WHAT to do for workouts. With this program, you get over 125 workouts, so you won’t get bored and your body won’t adapt to the same old routines. There’s cardio, HIIT, strength, mobility, pilates, and so much more!

Buy now here.


7. Recipe Manual E-Book: 50% off 

This recipe manual e-book contains over 60 of my personal favorite recipes. It has a little bit of everything – juices, breakfast, protein, snacks, desserts, and so much more!  

Get it now here.


8. SAARA Shades: Buy One, Get One FREE 

Everyone has eyeballs, and everyone needs to protect those eyeballs. Which makes sunglasses the perfect gift for all. And with buy one, get one free on all shades right now, you can even snag a pair for yourself!

All of my sunglasses are unisex, with handmade wood arms that say “be a good human” on the inner right arm. I even have 🌈 rainbow wood arms that are made of recycled skateboards.

Get your SAARA Shades here.


Remember to use code “BF2022” at checkout to get all the savings. Get locked in now as all sales end November 28th!!


Have a happy weekend!

In Health,

💪 Dr. Saara

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Shape Up Your Wellness With These Prep Tips

Getting into shape shouldn’t be a priority in a single season, but if you’re feeling more energetic in warmer months, you’re not alone. That vibrance doesn’t need to leave you during chilly weather, though. As nature embraces the shift, so can your body and mind. Shape up your wellness routine with these prep tips, and you’ll be feeling like your best self all year round.

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Start from the Inside with Wellness

Plenty of women may be after a “beach body,” but the truth is, you have to care for the inside before considering outward appearances. Plus, if you struggle with internal issues such as tummy troubles, cycle irregularity, or fertility challenges, you won’t feel as beautiful or as healthy.

Caring for your body with botanical blends, natural teas, and sexual health boosters can help you feel more at home in your own skin. While it’s not a detox diet or quick fix for losing weight, women’s health supplements can help you feel more energized, healthy, and happy with your body and everything it is capable of.

Snack with the Seasons

Your snacking habits could be the reason why you feel motivated to work toward a “summer body,” but reconsidering your diet could help with more than just weight loss. As the seasons change, choosing produce that’s fresh out of the ground (or off the tree) is healthier for your body and mind, especially if you can pick it yourself.

Local, in-season food is nutritionally superior to frozen or refrigerated produce, says Seasonal Food Guide. It’s also fresher and naturally more flavorful, so pile the most colorful locally available fruits and veggies on your plate as possible. Of course, buying local means you are supporting local businesses as well.

Even better, start planning a garden plot so you can harvest your own food. Gardening has countless health benefits, including the chance to start a healthier diet. But you’ll also find that spending time in the garden can help ease your mental load and help you embrace seasonal changes.

Many people enjoy gardening because it helps them address both mental and physical stress, notes Fix. You can join the ranks, too, by tending to your garden plot, spending time in the sun (for a safe amount of time, of course), and just relaxing in the greenery. This should be a joy and not a (literal) pain, though; if you find the bending and stooping bothers your back or joints, there are seats designed especially for making the task easier, and some even come with containers for lugging your tools with you.

Make Movement a Habit

While puttering around the garden can burn calories, if you’re truly after a healthier body, some amount of exercise is in order. Your regimen will vary depending on what you hope to accomplish, of course.

Aerobic exercise like running, cycling, or swimming is ideal for burning calories. But if you’re after a more toned look, you’ll want to spend time training with weights, doing yoga, and using bodyweight exercises like squats and lunges to shape your muscles. Consider investing in a good pair of headphones so you can enjoy music, podcasts, or audiobooks while working out to make the experience relaxing as well as physically beneficial.

At the very least, though, head outside and walk in the fresh air. The changing seasons mean there’s plenty to see and smell, and walking alone can burn calories and keep you feeling good year-round. Of course, you can also walk with a friend or family member, which makes walking something of a social activity as well.

Get Your Smile Social-Ready

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

A bright smile might be one of the most sought-after accessories out there. There are a few things you can do diet-wise for pearly whites, including nixing beverages and snacks that stain. While you’re at it, you should also consider investing in an eco-friendly toothpaste to do your part for the earth. Tom’s notes that eco-friendly toothpastes are just as effective as conventional toothpastes and even offer whitening and cavity-prevention benefits.

Overhauling your habits to get into better physical and mental shape takes effort. But choosing to address wellness during the changing of the seasons can make the transition simpler. Still looking for inspiration for overall health?

Written by: Dana Brown

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Creating a "Back to Workout" Routine

Happy August!

Wow that happened fast.

Are you watching the Olympics? It's one of the only things I get emotional about these days. I'm almost in tears every time I watch an athlete win or show emotion. Did you know I was the first person not to go in 2008? I was ranked 30th in the world that year, they were supposed to take 34 women and then took 29 (because of synchronized diving).

On another note, I respond to a lot of media requests, and it takes me forever to write out responses so I'm going to start responding via video to save time. If I feel they are relevant to my humans I will share with you. This one was on how to get "back into" to working out or it would also be helpful for "beginners"

The specific questions I answered included:

  • What are some basics that most workout routines should include?

  • Ways to get motivated?

  • What are some tips for those working out at home?

If you need help with coaching reach out- it's what I love to do :)

You can fill out an application here.

💪 Saara

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The Best Resources for Self-Care During the Virus Lockdown

Image via Unsplash

Image via Unsplash

COVID-19 changed life for us all, and our self-care routine is an important part of the adjustment. During this challenging time, it’s more crucial than ever to take care of your well-being while you’re waiting for your local gym to fully reopen its doors. So, in the meantime, I’ve pooled some resources to help you thrive while staying close to home.

Keep Up Your Workout

Some people truly prefer to work out in a gym. But with the state of the world, it’s not always a viable option. To keep yourself moving, consider these resources.


Spend Time Outdoors

Okay, so it’s winter, but you can still find ways to get outside and move your body. Check out these ways to get your vitamin D and stay physical.


Stay Healthy at Home

With all the extra time at home, it’s easy to set our nutrition aside or to feel resentful about the inconveniences the pandemic brings. To stay fueled and centered, consider these resources.


COVID-19 came along, and life will never be quite what it once was. As you continue to adjust to the new normal, remember to take care of yourself. Lean on these resources, as well as friends and loved ones, to ease you through this challenging time! 


Do you still need extra motivation to get moving? If so, make sure you check out my 100% online services or hybrid training to help you reach your fitness goals. Reach out today to get started!

Written by: Stephanie Haywood

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3 Ways to Have a Happier and Healthier Life

Big Goals

Hello, Humans!

Today, I just wanted to chat with you about setting yourself up for success.

We all have big goals.

Big goals are usually scary and challenging.

Most of you are focused on health, fitness, and wellness goals…..I’m going to compare that a lot with my PhD journey.

Side note – I took 7 years off from my PhD but apparently, you only have 10 years to finish a PhD. And my 10-year expiry date ends at the end of this year. So, I’ve been working very hard to finish it.

So, my story is just a little bit different. Cause when it’s done, I’ll have it. Whereas your health, fitness, and wellness goals, it’s a lifelong journey. It’s never going to end. So therefore, I want you to break it down.

3 Tips to Accomplishing Your Goals

If you can just do one small thing every single day, by the end of the year, in 365 days, one year from today, you’ll be a happier person. You will be a healthier person.

And there might be a ridiculous amount of other benefits that you don’t even know about yet.

Make the decision to be healthy, but understand that when you make that decision, you can’t just wave a magic wand and then you’re going to have all your dreams come true.

It is a challenge. If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.

Tip #1: Eat the Frog

Start the day by eating the frog. Start with the most uncomfortable thing, or the thing that is going to weigh heaviest on you throughout the day. Start your week, start your day, with that one thing.

If I don’t work on the shitty stuff that I don’t want to work on first thing in the morning, my whole day is wrecked. I don’t want to do any filming. I’m a much happier and healthier human being if I get the shitty thing out of the way first.

For me, it’s working on my PhD. Specifically, the literature review, methods, and any of the data or writing. I just don’t like it. So, if I don’t get it in first thing in the morning, I’m miserable. It feels like a weight on my shoulders.

If I don’t get it in first thing in the morning, I feel bad, or I beat myself up inside.

And then, when I finally have time to do it, it’s at the end of the day and my brain is not able to focus. It’s like I’m sabotaging myself.

And we might sabotage ourselves with food or Netflix. We have these big health golas, but we’re not doing it. Why?

What’s that one thing you know you need to do? Maybe it’s an exercise or a workout. Maybe it’s walking. Drinking a glass of water in the morning. Maybe it’s going for a run. But you just keep putting it off.

I want you to schedule that one daunting task at the beginning of the day.

Or at the beginning of the week if it’s a weekly goal. Schedule it for Monday (or Sunday if your weeks usually start on Sundays).

Tip #2: Make a Plan

We want our subconscious to not have to do a lot of extra work. It’s exhausting.

I want you to plan it.

My people who do one-on-one coaching with me or those who are in my accountability group, I have them plan out when they’re working out, what they’re doing for their workout, what they’re eating, etc… all in a form.

Yes, it takes time to plan. But there are some awesome tools to help you with meal planning if you need them.

Planning will give your brain a break.

You won’t have to subconsciously think, “What am I going to eat?” and then just grab whatever you see in front of you, like a chocolate bar, because you don’t have a plan and you’re starving. You will have a plan in place to help you stay on track and accomplish your goals.

Tip #3: Surround Yourself with Good People

Don’t let the people around you sabotage your behavior.

Don’t let them dictate what you are going to eat. You want to be healthy. It doesn’t matter what your husband or wife or kids are eating.

I have so many people tell me, “Oh, well, my husband doesn’t like blah, blah, blah…”. He is a grown man. He can figure it out for himself. And you just have to say that to him in a nice way.

"I'm working on me first. Because when I take care of myself, I'm a better human being for the other people around me. Let me do me. Do you support me in my goals to X, Y, Z? What about when my self-confidence goes up when I lose whatever amount of weight? Or when my self- confidence goes up when I can lift a certain amount of weight. Or aren't you going to be here to support me so I can experience less pain? I can be more productive. I can go for a walk without being out of breath."

Let them know your reasons. And then maybe, hopefullly, they'll understand that.

Maybe you need to say, "No, it's not ok for us to have pizza every night because that's what you want."

For me, Brent eats healthy so there's no problem there. But I'm going to use a different parallel.

He hates the heat. And if you know me at all, I'm obsessed with the heat. So, he hasn't wanted to sauna with me lately (we’ve had 95+ days lately). My body is so used to sauna-ing, I usually sauna about 5 times a week. I woke up this morning drenched, like soaking wet. I worked out yesterday, so I did sweat, but my body needs the sauna. I can tell when I haven't sauna-ed, I feel yucky. It's been 4 days now, and I didn't do it last night because Brent didn't want to have a sauna.

Now, today, he's still not going to want to but I have to prioritize me and my health, and be like, look, this is what me and my body need. If I have a sauna, I’ll fall asleep fater, get better quality sleep, and then I’ll wake up earlier and then I can work on the Phd, which will make me feel better. …and everyday I stay consistent and work on that PhD, day in and day out and at the end I’ll have a PhD.

For you it may be something like consistently eating healthy and workout daily, and in the end you’ll have a happy and healthier body. A better life, more self confidence, and you’ll feel like a better human.

Invest In Yourself

It’s like saving for a house. You save money every day. And eventually, you’ll have enough to put a down payment on a house. But you have to make conscious decisions along the way.

Do I want these fancy jeans, stuff on amazon, electronics, etc…? Do I want that right now to immediately be happy and literally within two seconds, you’re not as happy anymore when you actually have it?

Or do I want to invest in my future by putting money down, so I eventually can buy a house?

Every day, put in fitness. Even if it’s just 10 minutes, even if it’s just 20 minutes of you laying on the ground and stretching. Or 5 minutes of deep breathing. Even 1 minute of deep breathing. Taking 2 minutes to stand up when you’re on the computer just so you don’t have a 90-degree bend at your hips.

Every single thing that you do for your health and fitness, think of it as going in towards the mortgage. This is your life. Every single day.

You’re in Charge

If you do something good every day, in 365 days you are going to be a happier and healthier human. I guarantee it! I promise you that!

But it starts with you and taking care of yourself and your body first. Because this is the one and only place we get to live.

Even with all the money in the world, you can do a lot of stuff to your body, but you only have one vessel. The basis of it, your whole being, everything. You’re in charge.

You, your body, and your thoughts are the only thing on the planet that you are 100% in charge of. And how you talk to yourself matters. 

Every little thing you do adds up. Set yourself up for success. Plan, plan, plan. All the movement counts. Don't let those around you sabotage you. Let them know that you have goals. And if they don't support your goals, I don't know if they're the right human for you.

Take Action

I really appreciate you guys! You're amazing!

Do something today to take action. It's great if you absorb all the information, but at the end of the day, if you don't apply it, you're not going to have a PhD at the end. 

You can't just with for it to be done. You can't just take pills like everyone wants an easy solution.

If I had a magic wand, all my people would be skinny immediately and I would be rich.

It takes hard work and I'm here to support you. 

Everyone's on their own journey. That's why I have a very individualized accountability program. If you need help, if you think I would be a good coach for you, that's something I'm really passionate about and truly love doing. So I would love to see that kind of change in humans.

So, do it! Plan, plan, plan, plan. If you didn't get anything out of this video, make a plan.

Make a plan and you can also jump on a goal call with me here. 15 minutes to see how we can change your life.

Have an awesome day!


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