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Shape Up Your Wellness With These Prep Tips

Getting into shape shouldn’t be a priority in a single season, but if you’re feeling more energetic in warmer months, you’re not alone. That vibrance doesn’t need to leave you during chilly weather, though. As nature embraces the shift, so can your body and mind. Shape up your wellness routine with these prep tips, and you’ll be feeling like your best self all year round.

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Start from the Inside with Wellness

Plenty of women may be after a “beach body,” but the truth is, you have to care for the inside before considering outward appearances. Plus, if you struggle with internal issues such as tummy troubles, cycle irregularity, or fertility challenges, you won’t feel as beautiful or as healthy.

Caring for your body with botanical blends, natural teas, and sexual health boosters can help you feel more at home in your own skin. While it’s not a detox diet or quick fix for losing weight, women’s health supplements can help you feel more energized, healthy, and happy with your body and everything it is capable of.

Snack with the Seasons

Your snacking habits could be the reason why you feel motivated to work toward a “summer body,” but reconsidering your diet could help with more than just weight loss. As the seasons change, choosing produce that’s fresh out of the ground (or off the tree) is healthier for your body and mind, especially if you can pick it yourself.

Local, in-season food is nutritionally superior to frozen or refrigerated produce, says Seasonal Food Guide. It’s also fresher and naturally more flavorful, so pile the most colorful locally available fruits and veggies on your plate as possible. Of course, buying local means you are supporting local businesses as well.

Even better, start planning a garden plot so you can harvest your own food. Gardening has countless health benefits, including the chance to start a healthier diet. But you’ll also find that spending time in the garden can help ease your mental load and help you embrace seasonal changes.

Many people enjoy gardening because it helps them address both mental and physical stress, notes Fix. You can join the ranks, too, by tending to your garden plot, spending time in the sun (for a safe amount of time, of course), and just relaxing in the greenery. This should be a joy and not a (literal) pain, though; if you find the bending and stooping bothers your back or joints, there are seats designed especially for making the task easier, and some even come with containers for lugging your tools with you.

Make Movement a Habit

While puttering around the garden can burn calories, if you’re truly after a healthier body, some amount of exercise is in order. Your regimen will vary depending on what you hope to accomplish, of course.

Aerobic exercise like running, cycling, or swimming is ideal for burning calories. But if you’re after a more toned look, you’ll want to spend time training with weights, doing yoga, and using bodyweight exercises like squats and lunges to shape your muscles. Consider investing in a good pair of headphones so you can enjoy music, podcasts, or audiobooks while working out to make the experience relaxing as well as physically beneficial.

At the very least, though, head outside and walk in the fresh air. The changing seasons mean there’s plenty to see and smell, and walking alone can burn calories and keep you feeling good year-round. Of course, you can also walk with a friend or family member, which makes walking something of a social activity as well.

Get Your Smile Social-Ready

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

A bright smile might be one of the most sought-after accessories out there. There are a few things you can do diet-wise for pearly whites, including nixing beverages and snacks that stain. While you’re at it, you should also consider investing in an eco-friendly toothpaste to do your part for the earth. Tom’s notes that eco-friendly toothpastes are just as effective as conventional toothpastes and even offer whitening and cavity-prevention benefits.

Overhauling your habits to get into better physical and mental shape takes effort. But choosing to address wellness during the changing of the seasons can make the transition simpler. Still looking for inspiration for overall health?

Written by: Dana Brown

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