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The Best Resources for Self-Care During the Virus Lockdown

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Image via Unsplash

COVID-19 changed life for us all, and our self-care routine is an important part of the adjustment. During this challenging time, it’s more crucial than ever to take care of your well-being while you’re waiting for your local gym to fully reopen its doors. So, in the meantime, I’ve pooled some resources to help you thrive while staying close to home.

Keep Up Your Workout

Some people truly prefer to work out in a gym. But with the state of the world, it’s not always a viable option. To keep yourself moving, consider these resources.


Spend Time Outdoors

Okay, so it’s winter, but you can still find ways to get outside and move your body. Check out these ways to get your vitamin D and stay physical.


Stay Healthy at Home

With all the extra time at home, it’s easy to set our nutrition aside or to feel resentful about the inconveniences the pandemic brings. To stay fueled and centered, consider these resources.


COVID-19 came along, and life will never be quite what it once was. As you continue to adjust to the new normal, remember to take care of yourself. Lean on these resources, as well as friends and loved ones, to ease you through this challenging time! 


Do you still need extra motivation to get moving? If so, make sure you check out my 100% online services or hybrid training to help you reach your fitness goals. Reach out today to get started!

Written by: Stephanie Haywood

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