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Stress Unveiled: A Roadmap to Identifying and Mastering Life's Pressures

This article was written by Sheila Olson on behalf of Performance is Haapanen.

The silent tide of stress can subtly erode the quality of life, making the ability to recognize and manage it a crucial skill. In a fast-paced world, understanding how to alleviate stress is not just a luxury but a necessity for maintaining mental and physical health. This article, courtesy of Performance is Haapanen, is a guide to uncovering the hidden sources of stress and deploying effective strategies to master the art of living a less stressed life.

Identifying Stressors

The first step in stress management is pinpointing what ignites the stress response. Whether it’s deadlines at work, financial pressures, or personal relationships, recognizing these triggers is essential. Self-reflection on when and where tension mounts can reveal patterns. Once identified, you can confront or reconstruct these stressors to reduce their impact on your everyday life.

Regular Exercise for Stress Relief

Physical activity is a proven stress buster, releasing endorphins that enhance mood and clarity of thought. A brisk walk, a cycle through the park, or a dance class can significantly lower stress levels. The challenge lies in weaving exercise into an already crowded schedule. But the payoff is immense, with improved resilience against future stressors.

Work-Related Stress Relief

Work-related stress can be alleviated by adopting strategies that address time management and task prioritization, ensuring that professional pressures don’t become overwhelming. For individuals in high-stress jobs, a career change may be a beneficial option, and fortunately, online degree programs offer the flexibility needed to gain new qualifications without giving up current employment.

These programs understand the balancing act between work, education, and personal life, and cater to those who wish to transition smoothly into a new career path. If you're contemplating such a change, particularly with an interest in understanding the intricacies of human behavior, visit the site for more info on pursuing a psychology degree that can open doors to a fulfilling new profession.

Establishing Work-Life Balance

Achieving an equilibrium between professional responsibilities and personal life is crucial for stress reduction. Setting boundaries, such as designated work hours and unplugged family time, can prevent burnout.

Prioritizing tasks and delegating when possible can free up time for relaxation and leisure activities. A balanced life allows for a clear separation between career and home to foster peace in both arenas.

Improving Dietary Habits

Nutrition plays a significant role in stress management. Foods high in sugar and caffeine may provide a temporary boost but often lead to a crash in mood and energy.

Incorporating a diet rich in whole foods, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates can stabilize your blood sugar and improve your response to stress. Mindful eating habits can also ensure that food is a source of nourishment, not anxiety.

Practicing Deep Breathing and Meditation

The simplicity of breathwork and meditation belies their power. These practices can quiet the mind, bring attention to the present, and reduce the body’s stress reaction. Integrating short meditation sessions or focused breathing exercises into your daily routine can serve as a quick reset by providing a sense of calm and balance amidst life’s chaos.

Maintaining a Positive Attitude

A positive mindset can transform stress into a manageable element of life. Recognizing negative thought patterns and consciously shifting to a more optimistic outlook can change your response to stressful situations.

Positivity breeds resilience, so you can face challenges with confidence rather than apprehension. It's about finding the silver lining, even in the most clouded situations.

Getting Quality Sleep

Never underestimate the power of sleep on stress levels. Sleep is a time for the body to repair and the mind to rest. Establishing a relaxing bedtime routine and creating an environment conducive to sleep are crucial steps in improving sleep quality. As a well-rested individual, you’re better equipped to handle the pressures that come your way.

Mastering stress is not an overnight feat but a continuous journey of self-discovery and strategy refinement. The insights provided here aim to empower you to take charge of your stressors, employ effective coping mechanisms, and cultivate a serene existence. Embrace these practices for a life not devoid of stress, but one where stress does not rule.

Written by: Sheila Olson

Photo Credit: Image via Freepik

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How to Live Healthy for Less- Guest Post by Sheila Olson

Living a healthy lifestyle can be expensive, but there are easy and affordable strategies that you can use to ensure your body and mind stay fit without blowing the budget. If you're looking for ways to live healthier on a budget, this guide has everything you need. Making small changes in your diet and lifestyle will help keep both your waistline and wallet trim. Living healthy will no longer be an unattainable goal — it's within your reach.

Planning Meals Ahead

Planning ahead is key when it comes to having nutritious meals without spending too much money. Think about what kinds of meals you will be eating throughout the week and tailor your list accordingly. Make a grocery list of all of the items you need and cook meals that use similar ingredients so that whatever you purchase won’t go to waste.

Also, shop in bulk so you can stock up on healthy staples like grains, nuts, and proteins at incredible savings. Make sure to store these nutritional powerhouses correctly, as long-term storage will keep them fresh, locking in essential vitamins and minerals for longer periods.

Limiting Coffee Consumption

Coffee is an expensive habit, so limit your consumption so that it does not add up over time. Investing in a good quality coffee maker will help you cut costs if you need your daily cup of joe. Consider making coffee at home, if possible, as it usually costs significantly less than buying from specialty coffee stores or drive-thrus every day.

Investing in High-Quality Equipment

Purchasing high-quality workout equipment or kitchen gadgets may seem pricey upfront, but they last longer than their cheaper counterparts, so they pay off in the long run. Consider investing in one item at a time rather than purchasing several low-quality items. This way, you get more bang for your buck while still enjoying top-notch quality when exercising or cooking at home. Make sure to read reviews before purchasing so you know you’re making the right investments.

Maintaining a Clean Living Space

Having a clean home is essential for leading a healthy lifestyle, but cleaning supplies don’t come cheap either. You don’t need all kinds of fancy products for cleaning — baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice, soap, and water are often enough to do the job. It also pays to invest in a vacuum cleaner that can get rid of dust and dander better than you ever could by hand. Again, read reviews from other consumers before making this investment. 

Buying Generic Brands

Generic brands can be just as good as name brands at a fraction of the cost. Do some research online or ask around to find out which generic brands are worth trying for quality and price. It might take some trial and error, but once you find generic products that work for you and your family, sticking with them will save you a lot of money down the line.               


Earning While Living a Healthy Lifestyle

There are many ways to monetize healthy living. Consider becoming a fitness instructor or creating healthy meal plans for others who also want to live healthier lives but don’t know how to start.

Marketing your health-based business requires a targeted approach that focuses on building credibility with your audience, using social media to create valuable content, and leveraging partnerships with other businesses in the health and wellness industry to increase brand awareness. You can also create a customized brochure advertising your services. Give this tool a look—it allows you modify premade brochure templates to your needs.

Living well doesn’t have to break the bank. With research and creativity, there are ways to enjoy delicious meals, stay fit, and maintain clean living spaces without spending too much. Keep these tips in mind because small changes can make a big impact on both your wallet and health.

Performance Is Haapanen offers a 12-week transformation program that will strengthen your mind and body. Register today!

Written by: Sheila Olson

Photo Credit: Image via Pexels

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Tips for Taking a Self-Care Vacation

woman in blue shirt standing on a white balcony with mountains and hills in the distance

The demands of a fast-paced world mean many people experience stress in their daily lives, whether it comes from the workplace or personal circumstances. In fact, one study by Harvard University found that 43% of workers say their jobs are bad for their stress.

Sometimes it's necessary to take a short break from the demands of the world by taking a self-care trip to "reset" and start fresh.

Take a look at these great destinations for a self-care trip.

Visit the Mountains of Colorado 

From hiking in the Rocky Mountains to touring historical sites, Colorado has many activities to offer for health and wellness. Visitors can take a day trip to one of the many national parks or opt for a tour of Denver's various art museums.

Moving to Denver can be beneficial for your health and well-being too, with its nourishing outdoor environment and fulfilling city life. If you decide to move to Denver, be sure to scout out apartments for rent in Denver beforehand. By viewing 3D tours of properties, you can narrow down housing options to those that suit your needs best.

Travel to Hot Springs in Arkansas

The city of Hot Springs, Arkansas, has much to offer for those looking for a relaxing and nourishing trip. As its namesake suggests, visitors can take advantage of the numerous thermal springs in the city, including those at the Hot Springs National Park.

Mountains and forests in the park make a perfect getaway for those looking for a peaceful self-care trip that immerses them in nature. The cost of living in this city is below the national average, making the city a great place to live with its many attractions and tight-knit community.

Visit the Beautiful Palm Springs

Palm Springs, California, is known as an oasis for its abundance of hot springs and spas. For a self-care trip filled with relaxation and wellness, visit the spas of the city and enroll in the fitness and yoga classes they offer.

You can participate in many physical and mental wellness activities while in Palm Springs, making it a perfect vacation spot as well as a great place to live. Residents of the city can take advantage of the various wellness resources and endless entertainment venues in the city, making it appealing for living long-term.

Experience the Culture of Austin

For the traveler looking for a more active environment, the city of Austin, Texas, has plenty to offer. With a vibrant music scene and festive environment, you can visit popular events, such as the South by Southwest and Austin City Limits festivals.

Plentiful outdoor recreation options, such as hiking trails and canoeing, make for an exhilarating self-care getaway for nature lovers and city dwellers alike. The assortment of activities and career opportunities within the city make it a great place to settle in.

Take a Self-Care Trip Further

If you're looking to make the most out of your self-care trip, health and wellness coaches can change your life for the better. If you're planning to visit Denver, check out how you can enhance your experience through health and wellness services offered by qualified fitness coach Saara Haapanen.


Photo Credit: Pixabay via Pexels

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5 Simple Tips to Help You Live a Healthier Lifestyle While Cutting Costs

woman rolling a yoga mat

Are you hoping to improve your health and well-being but worried that your bank account isn’t large enough to support this new lifestyle? Fortunately, you don’t need extensive funds to live well. From trying my at-home workouts to taking cooking classes and more, there are several simple ways you can adopt a healthier lifestyle while still saving money.


1. Use the Financial Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle as Your Motivation

Motivation is essential when it comes to adopting healthier habits and sticking with them for the long run. That’s why learning about the financial benefits of a healthier lifestyle can help kick your efforts into high gear.

For example, cooking at home instead of eating out can help you save. Instead of paying for gas and car maintenance, ditch your vehicle and ride a bike or walk when possible. Not only that but healthier individuals are likely to qualify for lower health insurance premiums.


2. Cut Expensive and Unhealthy Foods Out of Your Diet and Focus on Healthy Home Cooking

According to one study, cooking your meals at home instead of eating out can help to improve your nutrition while lowering your food bills.


Save money while eating healthfully by:

  • Avoiding expensive restaurants, fast food, and junk food

  • Starting a small vegetable and herb garden in your backyard

  • Purchasing nonperishable health foods, such as beans and rice, in bulk

  • Buying seasonal fruits and vegetables on sale


3. Get Outdoors to Enjoy Fresh Air and Free Fitness Opportunities

Adequate exercise is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle. You don’t need to spend hundreds on pricey health club memberships to get fit. Instead, simply get outdoors!


Spending time outside lets you enjoy the sunshine and fresh air while taking advantage of free exercise opportunities. For instance, you can practice yoga in your backyard, go for a jog through the park, or bike through your neighborhood.


4. Use Apps, Employee Wellness Programs, and Other Free Resources to Stay Healthy

Search for free resources to support your wellness efforts. Your employer may even offer subsidized wellness programs.


Take advantage of:

  • Free fitness trackers and nutrition apps for your phone

  • Employer health and wellness programs (check out Move at Work Challenge to learn more about my corporate wellness program)

  • Local community center workout classes or cooking classes


5. Boost Your Bank Account by Finding Clever Ways to Monetize Your Healthy Lifestyle

Did you know you can even monetize your new healthy lifestyle? If you want to give your bank account a boost, identify your top wellness passions and start a business endeavor.


This may include:

  • Running a sports gear business (make sure you check out SaaraShades)

  • Starting a meditation and yoga studio

  • Opening a marketing blog complete with affiliate marketing about how you save money while living healthfully


If you do decide to open a business, you can opt to reduce your paperwork and liability load, take advantage of helpful tax benefits, and gain extra flexibility by forming an LLC. Prior to registering in Colorado, make sure your business complies with the state’s rules and requirements.


Although many people may be under the impression that living a healthy lifestyle requires a hefty bank account, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, you can improve your wellness and live a more well-rounded lifestyle while saving money and cutting down your bills by following these five helpful tips.

Photo Credit: Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

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As Seen in Authority Magazine: The 5 Things You Need to Do to Achieve a Healthy Body Weight, and Keep it Permanently

It was so cool to be interviewed for Authority Magazine to give my take on how to achieve a healthy body weight. In this video, I talk about 5 actionable steps you can take to reach your goals! Check it out!!


My Top 5 Tips to Achieve a Healthy Body Weight and Keep It Permanently


Before we get started, I want you to grab some paper and a pen so you can participate with me. Don’t just read these and say, “I’ll do them later”.

Decide you want to be better right now!


#1 You Need to Figure Out Your Why?

Why do you REALLY want to lose weight?

You have to know your why, and it has to be something bigger than “I want to fit into a pair of jeans”. I have my humans participate in the 5-7 “whys”. Grab a pen and paper and reflect inward – ask yourself “why” until you get to something that is truly meaningful. Something like, “so I can play on the floor with my grandkids and get up without any help or pain” or “to prevent dying from cardiovascular disease like my father”.


#2 Change Your Mindset

Change is hard. Our mind is often our biggest obstacle. Your brain has 2 main functions – to keep you alive and safe. A big part of this is automating behaviors that have worked in the past. NOT for doing the things we should be doing to lead us to success. Our brains repeat behaviors that have kept us alive, and often these aren’t behaviors that serve us in reaching our goals.

The thing is that our brains will self-sabotage us if we set goals that are different from what we have done in the past. Especially if those goals are big and scary.


#3 Discover What is Going to Get in Your Way?

I want you to figure out your top 5 roadblocks and then come up with a plan to deal with each one of these. Basically, how are you going to “decide in advance”? I call this “ 👊 your future self”.

As humans, when we want to make change, that self-sabotage is going to come up. So, I want you to decide in advance a plan to tackle all those excuses your brain is going to come up with.


#4 Take Action

Figure out what is the next SMALLEST best step? What can you do in 2 minutes towards changing your life? Then do it!

It might be just getting dressed in workout gear and swinging your arms 10 times. Now celebrate your 2-minute win.

Your mind will sabotage you if the goal is too big and scary. The only thing your mind wants to do is keep you from dying and keep you safe, and that means sticking to old patterns. I always tell my humans if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.

Be prepared to get out of your comfort zone. But with tiny 1% better changes every day you won’t recognize yourself in a year.

YOU HAVE TO TAKE ACTION, don’t just learn about this, GO DO IT!!! It is life-changing if you take action.

When you take care of yourself first, you are going to be your best self for everyone else around you too.


#5 Move Your Body and Eat Real Food

So, this one is actually 2 parts and I know it’s super broad and there are so many factors that affect nutrition and movement, but I’m quickly going to try to give you my philosophy on each.



First, if you want to change your body composition or lose weight, 80% of that will be done with food and 20% can be done with movement. So, focus on the food portion for weight loss.

I like to stick with that 80/20 rule. Make 80% good choices and 20% fun.

Lose the idea that there are good and bad foods. Some foods are just denser in crap. Eat less of the crap and more of the whole real foods.



I have 2 big suggestions:

1.    Strength train at least 3 times a week, because this will help build your muscles which revs up your metabolism, and your body will burn more calories just by having more muscles. Plus, it will help you feel like a badass. If you don’t like strength training – suck it up and do it anyways or your health, we can’t love everything we have to do.

2.    Find some movement you like to do. You are more likely to move your body everyday if you enjoy it. So, try it all, Pilates, yoga, walking, biking, hiking, working with a personal trainer, slacklining, swimming, trampolining, rollerblading, dancing, YouTube videos, keep testing out different things to find something you don’t hate. Recruit a friend and make a date to go for a walk. But move your body daily.


Check out the full article for exercises and actionable steps you can take to start changing your life right now!

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Creating a "Back to Workout" Routine

Happy August!

Wow that happened fast.

Are you watching the Olympics? It's one of the only things I get emotional about these days. I'm almost in tears every time I watch an athlete win or show emotion. Did you know I was the first person not to go in 2008? I was ranked 30th in the world that year, they were supposed to take 34 women and then took 29 (because of synchronized diving).

On another note, I respond to a lot of media requests, and it takes me forever to write out responses so I'm going to start responding via video to save time. If I feel they are relevant to my humans I will share with you. This one was on how to get "back into" to working out or it would also be helpful for "beginners"

The specific questions I answered included:

  • What are some basics that most workout routines should include?

  • Ways to get motivated?

  • What are some tips for those working out at home?

If you need help with coaching reach out- it's what I love to do :)

You can fill out an application here.

💪 Saara

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3 Ways to Have a Happier and Healthier Life

Big Goals

Hello, Humans!

Today, I just wanted to chat with you about setting yourself up for success.

We all have big goals.

Big goals are usually scary and challenging.

Most of you are focused on health, fitness, and wellness goals…..I’m going to compare that a lot with my PhD journey.

Side note – I took 7 years off from my PhD but apparently, you only have 10 years to finish a PhD. And my 10-year expiry date ends at the end of this year. So, I’ve been working very hard to finish it.

So, my story is just a little bit different. Cause when it’s done, I’ll have it. Whereas your health, fitness, and wellness goals, it’s a lifelong journey. It’s never going to end. So therefore, I want you to break it down.

3 Tips to Accomplishing Your Goals

If you can just do one small thing every single day, by the end of the year, in 365 days, one year from today, you’ll be a happier person. You will be a healthier person.

And there might be a ridiculous amount of other benefits that you don’t even know about yet.

Make the decision to be healthy, but understand that when you make that decision, you can’t just wave a magic wand and then you’re going to have all your dreams come true.

It is a challenge. If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.

Tip #1: Eat the Frog

Start the day by eating the frog. Start with the most uncomfortable thing, or the thing that is going to weigh heaviest on you throughout the day. Start your week, start your day, with that one thing.

If I don’t work on the shitty stuff that I don’t want to work on first thing in the morning, my whole day is wrecked. I don’t want to do any filming. I’m a much happier and healthier human being if I get the shitty thing out of the way first.

For me, it’s working on my PhD. Specifically, the literature review, methods, and any of the data or writing. I just don’t like it. So, if I don’t get it in first thing in the morning, I’m miserable. It feels like a weight on my shoulders.

If I don’t get it in first thing in the morning, I feel bad, or I beat myself up inside.

And then, when I finally have time to do it, it’s at the end of the day and my brain is not able to focus. It’s like I’m sabotaging myself.

And we might sabotage ourselves with food or Netflix. We have these big health golas, but we’re not doing it. Why?

What’s that one thing you know you need to do? Maybe it’s an exercise or a workout. Maybe it’s walking. Drinking a glass of water in the morning. Maybe it’s going for a run. But you just keep putting it off.

I want you to schedule that one daunting task at the beginning of the day.

Or at the beginning of the week if it’s a weekly goal. Schedule it for Monday (or Sunday if your weeks usually start on Sundays).

Tip #2: Make a Plan

We want our subconscious to not have to do a lot of extra work. It’s exhausting.

I want you to plan it.

My people who do one-on-one coaching with me or those who are in my accountability group, I have them plan out when they’re working out, what they’re doing for their workout, what they’re eating, etc… all in a form.

Yes, it takes time to plan. But there are some awesome tools to help you with meal planning if you need them.

Planning will give your brain a break.

You won’t have to subconsciously think, “What am I going to eat?” and then just grab whatever you see in front of you, like a chocolate bar, because you don’t have a plan and you’re starving. You will have a plan in place to help you stay on track and accomplish your goals.

Tip #3: Surround Yourself with Good People

Don’t let the people around you sabotage your behavior.

Don’t let them dictate what you are going to eat. You want to be healthy. It doesn’t matter what your husband or wife or kids are eating.

I have so many people tell me, “Oh, well, my husband doesn’t like blah, blah, blah…”. He is a grown man. He can figure it out for himself. And you just have to say that to him in a nice way.

"I'm working on me first. Because when I take care of myself, I'm a better human being for the other people around me. Let me do me. Do you support me in my goals to X, Y, Z? What about when my self-confidence goes up when I lose whatever amount of weight? Or when my self- confidence goes up when I can lift a certain amount of weight. Or aren't you going to be here to support me so I can experience less pain? I can be more productive. I can go for a walk without being out of breath."

Let them know your reasons. And then maybe, hopefullly, they'll understand that.

Maybe you need to say, "No, it's not ok for us to have pizza every night because that's what you want."

For me, Brent eats healthy so there's no problem there. But I'm going to use a different parallel.

He hates the heat. And if you know me at all, I'm obsessed with the heat. So, he hasn't wanted to sauna with me lately (we’ve had 95+ days lately). My body is so used to sauna-ing, I usually sauna about 5 times a week. I woke up this morning drenched, like soaking wet. I worked out yesterday, so I did sweat, but my body needs the sauna. I can tell when I haven't sauna-ed, I feel yucky. It's been 4 days now, and I didn't do it last night because Brent didn't want to have a sauna.

Now, today, he's still not going to want to but I have to prioritize me and my health, and be like, look, this is what me and my body need. If I have a sauna, I’ll fall asleep fater, get better quality sleep, and then I’ll wake up earlier and then I can work on the Phd, which will make me feel better. …and everyday I stay consistent and work on that PhD, day in and day out and at the end I’ll have a PhD.

For you it may be something like consistently eating healthy and workout daily, and in the end you’ll have a happy and healthier body. A better life, more self confidence, and you’ll feel like a better human.

Invest In Yourself

It’s like saving for a house. You save money every day. And eventually, you’ll have enough to put a down payment on a house. But you have to make conscious decisions along the way.

Do I want these fancy jeans, stuff on amazon, electronics, etc…? Do I want that right now to immediately be happy and literally within two seconds, you’re not as happy anymore when you actually have it?

Or do I want to invest in my future by putting money down, so I eventually can buy a house?

Every day, put in fitness. Even if it’s just 10 minutes, even if it’s just 20 minutes of you laying on the ground and stretching. Or 5 minutes of deep breathing. Even 1 minute of deep breathing. Taking 2 minutes to stand up when you’re on the computer just so you don’t have a 90-degree bend at your hips.

Every single thing that you do for your health and fitness, think of it as going in towards the mortgage. This is your life. Every single day.

You’re in Charge

If you do something good every day, in 365 days you are going to be a happier and healthier human. I guarantee it! I promise you that!

But it starts with you and taking care of yourself and your body first. Because this is the one and only place we get to live.

Even with all the money in the world, you can do a lot of stuff to your body, but you only have one vessel. The basis of it, your whole being, everything. You’re in charge.

You, your body, and your thoughts are the only thing on the planet that you are 100% in charge of. And how you talk to yourself matters. 

Every little thing you do adds up. Set yourself up for success. Plan, plan, plan. All the movement counts. Don't let those around you sabotage you. Let them know that you have goals. And if they don't support your goals, I don't know if they're the right human for you.

Take Action

I really appreciate you guys! You're amazing!

Do something today to take action. It's great if you absorb all the information, but at the end of the day, if you don't apply it, you're not going to have a PhD at the end. 

You can't just with for it to be done. You can't just take pills like everyone wants an easy solution.

If I had a magic wand, all my people would be skinny immediately and I would be rich.

It takes hard work and I'm here to support you. 

Everyone's on their own journey. That's why I have a very individualized accountability program. If you need help, if you think I would be a good coach for you, that's something I'm really passionate about and truly love doing. So I would love to see that kind of change in humans.

So, do it! Plan, plan, plan, plan. If you didn't get anything out of this video, make a plan.

Make a plan and you can also jump on a goal call with me here. 15 minutes to see how we can change your life.

Have an awesome day!


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