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5 Simple Tips to Help You Live a Healthier Lifestyle While Cutting Costs

woman rolling a yoga mat

Are you hoping to improve your health and well-being but worried that your bank account isn’t large enough to support this new lifestyle? Fortunately, you don’t need extensive funds to live well. From trying my at-home workouts to taking cooking classes and more, there are several simple ways you can adopt a healthier lifestyle while still saving money.


1. Use the Financial Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle as Your Motivation

Motivation is essential when it comes to adopting healthier habits and sticking with them for the long run. That’s why learning about the financial benefits of a healthier lifestyle can help kick your efforts into high gear.

For example, cooking at home instead of eating out can help you save. Instead of paying for gas and car maintenance, ditch your vehicle and ride a bike or walk when possible. Not only that but healthier individuals are likely to qualify for lower health insurance premiums.


2. Cut Expensive and Unhealthy Foods Out of Your Diet and Focus on Healthy Home Cooking

According to one study, cooking your meals at home instead of eating out can help to improve your nutrition while lowering your food bills.


Save money while eating healthfully by:

  • Avoiding expensive restaurants, fast food, and junk food

  • Starting a small vegetable and herb garden in your backyard

  • Purchasing nonperishable health foods, such as beans and rice, in bulk

  • Buying seasonal fruits and vegetables on sale


3. Get Outdoors to Enjoy Fresh Air and Free Fitness Opportunities

Adequate exercise is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle. You don’t need to spend hundreds on pricey health club memberships to get fit. Instead, simply get outdoors!


Spending time outside lets you enjoy the sunshine and fresh air while taking advantage of free exercise opportunities. For instance, you can practice yoga in your backyard, go for a jog through the park, or bike through your neighborhood.


4. Use Apps, Employee Wellness Programs, and Other Free Resources to Stay Healthy

Search for free resources to support your wellness efforts. Your employer may even offer subsidized wellness programs.


Take advantage of:

  • Free fitness trackers and nutrition apps for your phone

  • Employer health and wellness programs (check out Move at Work Challenge to learn more about my corporate wellness program)

  • Local community center workout classes or cooking classes


5. Boost Your Bank Account by Finding Clever Ways to Monetize Your Healthy Lifestyle

Did you know you can even monetize your new healthy lifestyle? If you want to give your bank account a boost, identify your top wellness passions and start a business endeavor.


This may include:

  • Running a sports gear business (make sure you check out SaaraShades)

  • Starting a meditation and yoga studio

  • Opening a marketing blog complete with affiliate marketing about how you save money while living healthfully


If you do decide to open a business, you can opt to reduce your paperwork and liability load, take advantage of helpful tax benefits, and gain extra flexibility by forming an LLC. Prior to registering in Colorado, make sure your business complies with the state’s rules and requirements.


Although many people may be under the impression that living a healthy lifestyle requires a hefty bank account, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, you can improve your wellness and live a more well-rounded lifestyle while saving money and cutting down your bills by following these five helpful tips.

Photo Credit: Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

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