Time: 45 minutes
Equipment Needed: Dumbbells, Bench / Chair, and a Stopwatch
Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes
Circuit #1:
Perform 5 rounds for time with the following exercises with limited rest until the time is up.
5 Pistol Squats Per Side - negatives only and modify over a bench if needed
10 Dips
15 Double-Unders - attempts count as reps
Rest 2 - 4 minutes
Circuit #2:
Complete 3 sets of the following exercises.
30 seconds 1-Legged Deadlifts - left
30 seconds 1-Legged Deadlifts - right
30 seconds Russian Twists
30 seconds Mountain Jumpers
30 seconds Rest
Recovery: 100 m Farmers Walk
Rest as Needed.
¼ mile Recovery Jog
Circuit #3:
Complete 3 sets of the following exercises.
30 seconds Lateral Lunges - left
30 seconds Lateral Lunges - right
30 seconds Woodchops - 15 seconds each side
30 seconds Inchworms
30 seconds Rest
Circuit #4:
Complete 3 sets of the following exercises.
30 seconds Abduction - each side
30 seconds Fire Hydrants - each side
30 seconds Donkey Kicks - each side
Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes
Workout by: Dr. Saara Haapanen
Photo Credit: Canva by photology2000