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leg workout

Workout: Leg & Cardio Blaster

Time: 45 minutes

Equipment Needed: Dumbbells, Bench / Chair, and a Stopwatch

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Circuit #1:

Perform 5 rounds for time with the following exercises with limited rest until the time is up.

  • 5 Pistol Squats Per Side - negatives only and modify over a bench if needed

  • 10 Dips

  • 15 Double-Unders - attempts count as reps

Rest 2 - 4 minutes

Circuit #2:

Complete 3 sets of the following exercises.

  • 30 seconds 1-Legged Deadlifts - left

  • 30 seconds 1-Legged Deadlifts - right

  • 30 seconds Russian Twists

  • 30 seconds Mountain Jumpers

  • 30 seconds Rest

Recovery: 100 m Farmers Walk 

Rest as Needed.

¼ mile Recovery Jog

Circuit #3:

Complete 3 sets of the following exercises.

  • 30 seconds Lateral Lunges - left

  • 30 seconds Lateral Lunges - right

  • 30 seconds Woodchops - 15 seconds each side

  • 30 seconds Inchworms

  • 30 seconds Rest

Circuit #4:

Complete 3 sets of the following exercises.

  • 30 seconds Abduction - each side

  • 30 seconds Fire Hydrants - each side

  • 30 seconds Donkey Kicks - each side

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Dr. Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by photology2000

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Workout: Leg Sculptor!

two people doing pistol squats together

Time: 45 minutes

Equipment Needed: Dumbbells or Other Heavy Item

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Short Challenge:

Perform 3 rounds of the following with proper form in your best time.

  • 10 Pistols (negatives only) - left

  • 10 Pistols (negatives only) - right

  • 20 Sit-Ups

  • 30 Jump Ropes (singles)

¼ mile Run

Set #1:

Perform 2 - 3 rounds of the following exercises.

  • 30 seconds Low Lateral Lunges (stay in a low lunge and just move laterally from side-to-side, do NOT come up out of the lunge… this is a good one!)

  • 30 seconds 2-Leg Stiff Legged Deadlifts

  • 30 seconds Opposite Arm - Opposite Leg

  • Rest 30 seconds

  • Farmers Walk about 50 Meters

Set #2:

Perform 2 - 3 rounds of the following exercises.

  • 30 seconds 1-Legged Reaches (left)

  • 30 seconds 1-Legged Reaches (right)

  • 30 seconds Dive Bombers

  • 30 seconds Superman Hold

Cool Down and Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by microgen from Getty Images

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Workout: Holy Legs!

9_28_21 - Holy Legs.jpg

Time: 45 minutes

Equipment Needed: Chair/Bench and Dumbbells

Warm Up and Stretch: 5-10 minutes

Set #1:

8 minutes total time. Perform as many rounds as possible of the following exercises with limited rest until the time is up. 

  • Overhead Walking Lunges (holding weight overhead)

  • 10 Suicide Push-Ups (5 per side)

  • 10 Full Sit-Ups

¼ mile Recovery Run

Rest 2-4 minutes

Set #2:

8 minutes total time. Perform as many rounds as possible of the following exercises with limited rest until the time is up.

  • 10 Squats with a Press

  • 10 Bicep Curls

  • 10 Hollow Rocks

¼ mile Recovery Run

Rest 1-3 minutes

Set #3:

Pistol Squat Practice! Try this over the ground however, if you have back or knee issues, only do this over a bench or chair. Perform 20 NEGATIVE only Pistol Squats. Complete sets of 2 on each side until you reach 20 per side. Do NOT try to get up on one leg. 

Rest as needed

Set #4:

3 minutes total time. Perform as many rounds as possible of the following exercises with limited rest until the time is up.

  • 10 Russian Twists

  • 10 Mountain Climbers

Set #5:

Perform 2 sets of 12 Hip Bridges.

Cool Down and Stretch: 5-10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva by Maridav

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Workout: Legs & Ladders

8_3_21 - Legs and Ladders.jpg

Time: 45 minutes

Equipment Needed: Mat and Bench or Chair

Warm Up: 5-10 minutes

10 Minutes:

Complete a FULL round of the following exercises EVERY MINUTE, on the minute. Start with the numbers below and increase/decrease as needed. Whatever time you have left in that minute can be rest.

  • 5 Triceps Push-Ups

  • 10 Straight Leg Sit-Ups

  • 20 Mountain Climbers

Rest 2-3 minutes

10 Sets:

Complete 10 sets of the following (can do pistol squats over a bench as a modification).

  • 2 Pistol Squats - left leg (negatives only)

  • 2 Pistol Squats - right leg (negatives only)

  • 3 Pike Push-Ups

Rest as Needed


Complete 10 reps of each exercise, then 9 reps of each, then 8, and so on until you reach 1 rep of each exercise.

  • Pull-Overs

  • V-Jumps

  • Wood Chops

  • 20 Meter Sprint

Cool Down and Stretch: 5-10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva by mimagephotography

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Workout: Sexy Legs and I know it!

7_13_21 - Sexy Legs and I know It.jpg

Time: 45 minutes

Equipment Needed: Weights and a Bench of Step

Warm Up: 5-10 minutes

Perform the following exercises in order for stated number of reps. Follow with a ¼ mile run after each set. Rest as needed.

Set #1:

  • 10 Reverse Lunges (5 each leg)

  • 20 Forward Lunges (10 each leg)

  • 30 Walking Lunges (15 each leg)

  • 40 Split Legged Lunges (20 each side) - leg on bench

¼ mile Run

Rest 2-3 minutes

Set #2:

  • 10 Prison Squats

  • 20 Sumo Squats

  • 30 Squat with a Twist (15 to each side)

  • 40 Jump Squats

¼ mile Run

Rest 2-3 minutes

Set #3:

  • 10 Straight Legged Deadlift

  • 20 Step-Ups with Kickbacks (10 each side)

  • 30 One-Legged Deadlifts (15 each side)

  • 40 Step-Ups with Knee Lift and Overhead Press

¼ mile Run

Rest 2-3 minutes

Set #4:

  • 10 Grouch Forward

  • 10 Grouch Backwards

  • 30 Donkey Kicks (15 each leg)

  • 40 Hydrants (20 each leg)

¼ mile Run

Rest 2-3 minutes


Complete 3 sets of 60 second planks with 15 seconds rest between each.

Cool Down and Stretch: 5-10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva by yacobchuk from Getty Images Pro

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Workout: Lean and Sexy Bottom-Half

Lean and Sexy Bottom Half.png

Time: 45 - 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Weights and a Bench/Step

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

How to Complete the Ladders:

Each set has two exercises. Perform the complete ladder of 10-1 for the first exercise and 1-10 for the second. One exercise will be going up in reps and the other will be going down in reps. Complete the full ladder alternating between the two exercises before moving onto the next two exercises. Complete the same format for each set. Rest as needed.

First Set:

  • Hindu Squats

  • One-Legged Deadlifts (one rep each side)


  • 10 Hindu squats, 1-Legged Deadlift Right, 1-Legged Deadlift Left

  • 9 Hindu squats, 2-Legged Deadlift Right, 2-Legged Deadlift Left

  • 8 Hindu squats, 3-Legged Deadlift Right, 3-Legged Deadlift Left

  • Etc… until you count down to 1 and up to 10

Second Set:

  • Split Lunges (one leg on the bench and facing away from the bench) - rep on each leg

  • Donkey Kicks - rep on each leg

Third Set:

  • Sumo Squats with High Pull (upright row)

  • Step-Ups with Lateral Leg Raise (off a bench) - rep on each leg

Fourth Set:

  • Lateral Lunge - rep on each leg

  • Step-Ups with Lateral Kickback - rep on each leg

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva by undrey from Getty Images

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Workout: Jane Fonda on Steroids

Time: 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Stopwatch

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Complete 6 Sets: Perform 34 Mountain Climbers After Each Set

  • 6 Reverse Lunges with a Front Kick - Left Leg

  • 6 Lateral Leg Lifts - Left Leg

  • 6 Jack Knife - Left Leg

  • 6 Reverse Lunges with a Front Kick - Right Leg

  • 6 Later Leg Lifts - Right Leg

  • 6 Jack Knife - Right Leg

Circuit #1:

  • 34 Groucho Walks - Forward

  • 34 Plie Calf Raises

  • 34 Groucho Walks - Backwards

  • 34 Sumo Squats

Tabata #1: 34 seconds of work and 10 seconds rest for 8 sets (4 minutes)

  • 34 sec Floor Jacks

  • 10 sec Recovery

  • Repeat 8 Sets (4 minutes)

Rest 1 - 3 minutes

Circuit #2:

  • 34 Hydrants - each leg

  • 34 Donkey Kicks - each leg

  • 34 Lying Leg Lifts - each leg

  • 34 Pulse Leg Lifts - shorter range of motion - each leg

Tabata #2: 34 seconds of work and 10 seconds rest for 8 sets (4 minutes)

  • 34 sec Crossover Mountain Climbers

  • 10 sec Recovery

  • Repeat 8 Sets (4 minutes)

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva by Aleksandr Kondratov from Getty Images

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Workout: Hot & Sexy Booty and Legs

Hot and Sexy Booty and Legs Workout

Time: 45 - 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Weights, Stopwatch, and Bench/Chair

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes (be sure to warm up your legs)

Complete 2 Sets: 

  • 30 sec Squats

  • 30 sec Jumping Jacks

  • 30 sec Lateral Lunges (alternating sides)

  • 30 sec Bicycles

Ladder: Ladder the 2 exercises in each superset below. Start with 10 of each, then 9 of each, then 8 of each, etc. all the way down to 1. Alternate between the two exercises. Complete the full ladder in each superset before moving onto the next.

1st Superset:

  • Split Lunges (both sides)

  • Sumo Squats

2 - 3 minutes Rest

2nd Superset:

  • One Legged Deadlift with Weights or Reach (both sides)

  • Step-Up off benches (both sides)

¼ mile Recovery Run

2 - 3 minutes Rest

3rd Superset:

  • Side Lunges off Bench (both sides)

  • Calf Raises with Weight in Hands 

2 - 3 minutes Rest

4th Superset:

  • Spiderman Plank (both sides)

  • Snow Angels

¼ mile Recovery Run

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva by indykb by Getty Images

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