Move at Work Challenge: Lower Body Moves to Do Right Now if You Work at a Desk
Move at Work Challenge: Grab a Chair for These Balance and Lower Body Moves
Move at Work Challenge: Lower Body + Balance
Move at Work Challenge: Dynamic Stretching + Lower Body Moves
Workout: Leg & Cardio Blaster
Time: 45 minutes
Equipment Needed: Dumbbells, Bench / Chair, and a Stopwatch
Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes
Circuit #1:
Perform 5 rounds for time with the following exercises with limited rest until the time is up.
5 Pistol Squats Per Side - negatives only and modify over a bench if needed
10 Dips
15 Double-Unders - attempts count as reps
Rest 2 - 4 minutes
Circuit #2:
Complete 3 sets of the following exercises.
30 seconds 1-Legged Deadlifts - left
30 seconds 1-Legged Deadlifts - right
30 seconds Russian Twists
30 seconds Mountain Jumpers
30 seconds Rest
Recovery: 100 m Farmers Walk
Rest as Needed.
¼ mile Recovery Jog
Circuit #3:
Complete 3 sets of the following exercises.
30 seconds Lateral Lunges - left
30 seconds Lateral Lunges - right
30 seconds Woodchops - 15 seconds each side
30 seconds Inchworms
30 seconds Rest
Circuit #4:
Complete 3 sets of the following exercises.
30 seconds Abduction - each side
30 seconds Fire Hydrants - each side
30 seconds Donkey Kicks - each side
Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes
Workout by: Dr. Saara Haapanen
Photo Credit: Canva by photology2000
Move at Work Challenge: Preview by the Lake with the Doggies
Move at Work Challenge: Quick Cardio + Some Lower Body Moves
Move at Work Challenge: Standing Core + Lower Body and Balance work
Workout: Short Shorts!
Time: Box / Bench, Dumbbells, & a Stopwatch
Equipment Needed: 45 - 60 minutes
Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes
Exercise #1:
Perform the following 4 exercises for 7 reps each for 6 minutes
7 Pisoner Squats
Plank with 7 Butt Kicks - each side
7 Jumping Jacks
7 Elbows to Knee
Exercise #2:
Perform the following sets as stated below. Be sure to repeat to perform the exercises on BOTH sides! Follow a Tabata style set of Jump Squats in the first set and Box Jumps in the second set.
Set #1:
30 seconds Stationary Lunge with Bicep Curls - left leg
30 seconds Reverse Lunges with Overhead Hold - left leg
30 seconds Lateral Lunges with Bicep Curls - left leg
30 seconds Quick / Pulse Lunge Weight in Hands by Side - left leg
30 seconds Lateral Squat Leg Lift Weight in Hands in Front of Chest - left leg
30 seconds Rest
Tabata Style: Repeat for 8 sets - 4 minutes total
20 seconds Jump Squats
10 seconds Rest
REPEAT the entire set above on the right leg!
Set #2:
30 seconds Split Lunges with Foot on Bench - left leg
30 seconds Regular Step-Ups - left leg leads
30 seconds Step-Ups (where one leg stays on the bench while the other one goes up and down onto the bench) - left leg
30 seconds Lunge into Step-Up and Knee Lift - left leg
30 seconds Rest
Tabata Style: Repeat for 8 sets - 4 minutes total
20 seconds Box Jumps (modify with Step-Ups as needed)
10 seconds Rest
REPEAT the entire set above on the right leg!
Perform 30 seconds of each for 2-3 sets.
30 seconds Spiderman
30 seconds Plank
30 seconds Sea Turtles
30 seconds Mountain Climbers
30 seconds Rest
Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes
Workout by: Dr. Saara Haapanen
Photo Credit: Canva by littlehenrabit from Getty Images