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leg sculptor

Workout: Leg Sculptor!

two people doing pistol squats together

Time: 45 minutes

Equipment Needed: Dumbbells or Other Heavy Item

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Short Challenge:

Perform 3 rounds of the following with proper form in your best time.

  • 10 Pistols (negatives only) - left

  • 10 Pistols (negatives only) - right

  • 20 Sit-Ups

  • 30 Jump Ropes (singles)

¼ mile Run

Set #1:

Perform 2 - 3 rounds of the following exercises.

  • 30 seconds Low Lateral Lunges (stay in a low lunge and just move laterally from side-to-side, do NOT come up out of the lunge… this is a good one!)

  • 30 seconds 2-Leg Stiff Legged Deadlifts

  • 30 seconds Opposite Arm - Opposite Leg

  • Rest 30 seconds

  • Farmers Walk about 50 Meters

Set #2:

Perform 2 - 3 rounds of the following exercises.

  • 30 seconds 1-Legged Reaches (left)

  • 30 seconds 1-Legged Reaches (right)

  • 30 seconds Dive Bombers

  • 30 seconds Superman Hold

Cool Down and Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by microgen from Getty Images

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