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Workout: Mini-Challenge & Tabata Time!

woman doing bicycle crunches in front of a wall full of windows

Time: 45 - 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: A Stopwatch

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Timed Round: 10 Minutes

Repeat as many rounds as possible of the following exercises. Rest only when necessary and keep track of your total rounds. Repeat this workout again in the future to track progress.

  • 8 Push-Ups - modified or regular

  • 8 Reverse Lunges - each side

  • 8 Floppy Burpees - use regular burpees as a modification

Rest 3 - 5 minutes.


Each Tabata needs to be completed for 8 sets (or 4 minutes total). For example: 20 seconds of squats, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds mountain climbers, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds squats, 10 seconds rest, etc… until you reach 4 minutes (8 sets) total. Allow 2 - 4 m minutes rest after each numbered Tabata.

Tabata #1

  • Squats

  • Mountain Climbers

Tabata #2

  • Bicycle Crunches

  • V-Jumps


Perform 8 reps of each exercise, then 7 reps each, then 6 reps and so on until they reach 1 rep of each exercise. As fast as possible with proper form. Rest 1 - 3 minutes when done. 

  • Inchworms

  • Standing Tuck Jumps


Complete 1 - 2 sets of the following exercises. Allow 45 seconds rest between sets. 

  • Abduction - 30 seconds full range of motion & 30 seconds top half of the range of motion - left leg

  • Abduction - 30 seconds full range of motion & 30 seconds top half of the range of motion - right leg

  • 45 seconds Fire Hydrants - left side

  • 45 seconds Fire Hydrants - right side


Complete 2 - 3 sets of the following exercises.

  • 30 seconds Jack-Knife Crunches - left leg straight

  • 30 seconds Jack-Knife Crunches - right leg straight

  • 30 seconds Rest

  • 30 seconds Reverse Crunches

  • 30 seconds Plank

  • 30 seconds Rest

  • 30 seconds Quadruped - left

  • 30 seconds Quadruped - right

  • 60 seconds Rest

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Dr. Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by instaphotos

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Workout: Station Nation (Tabatas!)

man doing a mountain climber with an orange background

Time: 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Battling Ropes / Medicine Ball, Dumbbells / Pull-Up Bar, Box / Bench, and a Stopwatch

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Circuit #1:

Complete 2 sets of 30 seconds per exercise.

  • Body Weight Squats

  • Lunge with a Twist

  • Plank Kicks

  • Crunches

Circuit #2:

Complete a FULL Tabata with the given exercise (20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest) for a total of 4 minutes per exercise before moving onto the next exercise. Rest 1 - 3 minutes between exercises.

  • Battling Ropes (sumb with medicine ball slams)

  • Pull-Ups - assisted if needed (sub for rows if you don’t have pull-up equipment)

  • Regular Burpees

  • Bicycle Crunches

  • Double Unders

  • Wood Chop (alternate sides every 20 seconds)

  • Box Jumps

  • Bear Crawl

  • Mountain Climbers

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Dr. Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by Ziga Plahutar from Getty Images Signature

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Workout: Partner Tabatas

man and woman high fiving in the gym after a partner tabata workout

Time: 45 - 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: A Partner (optional), Box / Bench, and Dumbbells

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

How to Tabatas:

Find a partner for the following Tabata Exercises. One partner can do one exercise for 20 seconds while the other one performs the other exercise for 20 seconds. Rest 10 seconds and then switch exercises. After you have completed 4 minutes (8 sets), rest for 1-2 minutes and then move to the next set. This will take the entire workout. If you don’t have a partner, just alternate through the exercises.


The 2 Tabata Exercises are Box Jumps and Skull Crushers.

  • 20 seconds Partner #1: Box Jumps and Partner #2: Skull Crushers

  • 10 seconds Rest or Transition Time

  • 20 seconds Partner #1: Skull Crushers and Partner #2: Box Jumps

  • 10 seconds Rest or Transition Time

  • Repeat for 4 minutes total (8 sets - 4 of each exercise)

  • Rest 1 - 2 minutes before moving onto the next set.


  • Set #1: Box Jumps and Skull Crushers

  • Set #2: Split Squats (right foot on the bench the whole set) and Jump Squats

  • Set #3: Step-Ups with Lateral Leg Raise (right foot on the bench the whole set) and Floor Jacks

  • Set #4: Bent-Over Rows and Burpees

  • Set #5: Split Squats (left food on the bench the whole set) and Jump Squats

  • Set #6: Step-Ups with Lateral Leg Raise (left foot on the bench the whole set) and Floor Jacks

  • Set #7: Knee Lifts with Overhead Press and Bench/Chair Dips

  • Set #8: Plank and Cross-Over Mountain Climbers


Together, complete the following for 2 minutes (4 sets).

  • 20 seconds Butt Kicks

  • 10 seconds Rest

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by FamingoImages from Getty Images

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Workout: Tabata Time!

three people lined up in the plank position in a gym

Time: 45 minutes

Equipment Needed: Weights & Rope or Medicine Ball (optional)

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes (½ mile suggested)


Tabata exercises need to be completed 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for 2 minutes (not 4 minutes). 

Example for the 1st Tabata: 20 seconds Overhead Walking Lunges, 10 seconds Rest, 20 seconds V-Jumps, 10 seconds Rest, 20 seconds Overhead Walking Lunges, 10 seconds Rest, 20 seconds V-Jumps, 10 seconds rest, and keep repeating for a total of 2 minutes.

Recover 60-90 seconds between EACH Tabata and then REPEAT Tabatas 1-4 after a ¼ mile recovery jog.

Tabata #1:

  • Overhead Walking Lunges

  • V-Jumps

Tabata #2:

  • Battle Ropes (any variation) - if no ropes, then medicine ball slams, burpees, or any other cardio

Tabata #3:

  • Push Ups

  • Spiderman Plank

Tabata #4:

  • Jackknives

  • Hollow Hold

¼ mile recovery jog and repeat

Cool Down and Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by Ales-A from Getty Images Signature

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Workout: Saturday Tabatas!

woman performing a burpee

Time: 45 - 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: A Stopwatch, Dumbbells, a Medicine Ball, and a Kettlebell (optional)

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes


Each Tabata exercise needs to be completed for 8 sets (or 4 minutes total). 

For example: 20 seconds of medicine ball slams, 10 seconds rest, 20 sec medicine ball slams, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds medicine ball slams, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds medicne ball slams, and so on until you reach 4 minutes (8 sets of medicine ball slams).

Allow 1 - 3 minutes rest BETWEEN each numbered Tabata.

  1. Tabata #1: 20 secones Medicine Ball Slams & 10 seconds Recovery

  2. Tabata #2: 20 seconds 1-Arm Rows & 10 seconds Recovery (alternate sides every 20 seconds)

  3. Tabata #3: 20 seconds Burpees & 10 seconds Recovery

  4. Tabata #4: 20 seconds Bicep Curls in a Stationary Squat Position & 10 sec Recovery

  5. Tabata $5: 20 seconds Kettlebell Swings OR Cross-Body Mountain Climbers & 10 seconds Recovery

  6. Taata #6: 20 seconds Wood-Chop & 10 seconds Recovery (alternate sides every 20 seconds)

  7. Tabata #7: 20 seconds Superman Hold & 10 seconds Recovery

  8. Tabata #8: 20 seconds Springs & 10 seconds Recovery

Rest 3 - 4 minutes.


Complete 2 Sets.

  • 10 Windmills on each side

  • 10 Down-Dogs into Cobra

Cool Down and Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by vadiar from Getty Images

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