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Workout: The “S” Factor!

woman doing a side plan as part of the "s" factor workout

Time: 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Stopwatch

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Everything is about using a “S” for the number of exercises, rep counts, and the exercise names! Have fun with it and rest as needed.

Perform the following seven exercises for 17 reps of EACH exercise, then 16 of EACH exercise, then 7 of EACH exercise, and then 6 of EACH exercise.

Set #1:

  • 17 Sumo Squats

  • 17 Spiderman Planks (EACH leg)

  • 17 Suicide Push-Ups

  • 17 Side Plank with Tap Down (EACH side)

  • 17 Sea Turtles 

  • 17 Skull Crushers

  • 17 Sit-Ups (full)

Then repeat 16 reps of each, 7 reps of each, then 6 reps of each.

Set #2:

Perform 60 seconds of each exercise below with 16 seconds rest between exercises. Complete 2 total sets.

  • 60 seconds Snow Angel

  • 16 seconds Rest

  • 60 seconds Step-Ups with Knee Raise and Overhead Press - left leg

  • 16 seconds Rest

  • 60 seconds Step-Ups with Knee Raise and Overhead Press - right leg

  • 16 seconds Rest

  • 60 seconds Ski Jumps

  • 16 seconds Rest

  • 60 seconds Step-Ups Lateral Raises EACH leg

  • 16 seconds Rest

  • 60 seconds Squat Pulses / Quick Squats

  • 16 seconds Rest

  • 60 seconds Step-Ups EACH leg

  • 16 seconds Rest

  • Repeat

Cool Down and Stretch:  5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva from tonefotografia from Getty Images

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Workout: Double Ladder

Woman shoulder pressing two dumbbells in the double ladder workout

Time: 45 - 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Weight & Box/Curb & a Jump Rope (optional)

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Perform the 2 stated exercises in each set from 10 reps down to 1 rep. Perform the 1st exercise for 10 reps and then follow with the 2nd exercise for 10 reps, then 1st exercise for 9 reps and then 2nd exercise for 9 reps and continue all the way down to 1 rep each.

After you complete EACH set of exercises, perform 25 Jump Ropes before moving onto the next set.

Rest as needed.

Set #1:

  • Dumbbell Swings

  • Coffin

25 Jump Ropes


  • 10 Dumbbell Swings

  • 10 Coffin

  • 9 Dumbbell Swings

  • 9 Coffin

  • etc…

  • After you complete all the way down to 1 rep each, perform 25 jump ropes.

Set #2:

  • Step-Up with Glute Kickback

  • Box/Curb Jumps

25 Jump Ropes

Set #3:

  • Sumo Squat with Alternating Leg Lifts

  • Burpees with a Push-Up

25 Jump Ropes

Set #4:

  • Bicep Curl into Overhead Triceps Extension

  • Floor Jacks

25 Jump Ropes

Set #5:

  • Spiderman

  • Jack Knife (both legs count as 1)

25 Jump Ropes

Cool Down and Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by Nastasic from Getty Images Signature

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Workout: 7 Up!

woman performing a dip on a bench as part of the 7 up! workout

Time: 45 minutes

Equipment Needed: Dumbbells and a Box/Chair

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Perform the following exercises for the stated number of reps. Rest as needed. Complete the first set and then move to the second set.

Set #1:

  • 7 Hindu Squats

  • 14 Tucks (ground)

  • 21 Bench Dips

  • 28 Renegade Rows with a Push-Up Between Each Row (14 each side)

  • 35 Arnold Presses

  • 42 One-Legged Bicep Curls

  • 49 Floppy Burpees

  • ¼ mile Run

Rest 2 - 3 minutes.

Set #2:

  • 7 Deck Squats

  • 14 V-Sits

  • 21 Bench Crunches

  • 28 Side Plank tap Downs (28 EACH side)

  • 35 Reverse Curls

  • 42 Jack Knife (21 each side)

  • 49 Box Jumps

  • ¼ mile Run

Cool Down and Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by Kanawa_Studio from Getty Images Signature 

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Workout: Bottoms Up!

person lifting a kettlebell, you can only see the lower half of them, as they do the bottoms up! workout

Time: 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: A Stopwatch, Dumbbells, and a Partner

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes


Perform the following 4 exercises for 4 minutes.

  • 4 V-Jumps

  • 4 Spiderman Plank (each leg)

  • 4 Toe Touches

  • 4 Prisoner Squats

Rest 2 minutes.

Perform the following exercises for 10 reps each, rest 30 seconds, and repeat for 4 sets total. After completing each set, perform 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 2 ½ minutes. Then move to the next 4 sets of 10 reps exrcise.

Set #1:

  • 10 Reverse Lunges with a Bicep Curl (each leg)

  • 10 Lateral Lunges with Lateral Arm Side Raises (each leg)

  • 10 Forward Lunges with Overhead Press (each leg)

  • 10 Lunge Jumps

  • Rest 30 seconds

  • Repeat for 4 total sets

Rest 2 - 3 minutes.

Set #2:

  • 20 seconds Snow Angels

  • Rest 10 seconds

  • Repeat for 5 total sets

Rest 2 - 3 minutes.

Set #3:

  • 10 Hydrants (each leg)

  • 10 Donkey Kicks (each leg)

  • 10 Sumo Squats with High Pull

  • 10 Frog Jumps

  • Rest 30 seconds

  • Repeat for 4 total sets

Rest 2 - 3 minutes.

Set #4:

  • 20 seconds Wind Sprints

  • Rest 10 seconds

  • Repeat for 5 total sets

Rest 2 - 3 minutes

Ab Finisher (with a Partner):

Perform the following exercises for 50 reps each.

  • 50 Partner Sit-Ups (each person completes 50 reps)

  • 50 Partner Leg Throws (each person completes 50 reps)

Cool Down and Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by MikeSaran from Getty Images

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Workout: Agility and Other Goodness…

woman doing mountain climbers

Time: 45 - 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Cones/Markers and a Stopwatch

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes


Complete as many cycles through as possible in 10 minutes.

  • 10 Double-Unders (each attempt counts as a rep if you are unable to perform this skill)

  • 10 Deck Squats or Deck Squat Attempts (or Sumo-Deadlift high-pulls if you don’t want to perform deck squats)

  • 10 Arm Presses (10 on each side)

Rest 3 minutes.


Complete 3 rounds of the following exercises. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds. 1 minute rest after each round. Minimal rest between exercises.

  • Pike Push-Ups

  • Russian Twists

  • Wipers

  • Swings or Mountain Climbers

Rest 2 - 3 minutes.

Cones / Markers:

Set up around 50 feet apart. Start each exercise at one cone and finish it at the other.

  • Groucho (forward) to cone and jog back

  • Grouch (backward) to cone and jog back

  • Shuffle (face left) to cone and jog back

  • Shuffle (face right) to cone and jog back

  • Grapevine (face left) to cone and jog back

  • Grapevine (face right) to cone and jog back

  • Bear Crawl down and jog back

  • Backwards Jog down and jog back

  • Sprint down AND Sprint back

Rest 2 - 3 minutes.


Complete 1 - 2 sets.

  • 45 seconds alternating quadruped

  • 30 - 45 seconds of Reverse Crunches

  • 30 - 45 seconds of Oblique Crunches (left)

  • 30 - 45 seconds of Oblique Crunches (right)

Cool Down and Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by torwai from Getty Images

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Workout: No Extra Jiggles!

Time: 45 – 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Weights Recommended

Warm Up: 5 – 10 minutes


Perform the following exercises for 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest. Complete 2 sets of each pair of exercises before you move on to the next set.


Set #1:

  • Chest Fly’s

  • Close Arm Push-Ups



  • 45 sec Chest Fly’s

  • 15 sec Rest

  • 45 sec Close Arm Push-Ups

  • 15 sec Rest

Repeat (2 sets total)


1 minute Rest


Set #2:

  • Squat with Overhead Press and Calf Raise

  • Burpees

1 minute Rest


Set #3:

  • Pull-Ups

  • Sea Turtles

1 minute Rest


Set #4:

  • Knee to Elbow (sit-ups)

  • Snow Angels

1 minute Rest


Set #5:

  • Frontal Raises

  • Forward Arm Circles

1 minute Rest


Set #6:

  • Alternating Lunges with Overhead Hold of Weights

  • Jump Lunges

1 minute Rest


Set #7:

  • Overhead Triceps Extensions

  • Backwards Arm Circles

1 minute Rest


Set #8:

  • Weighted Jumping Jacks

  • Power Jacks



Perform the following exercises for stated reps and 2-3 sets

  • 20 Jack Knife – left leg

  • 20 Bicycle Crunches

  • 20 Jack Knife – right leg

  • 20 Bicycle Crunches

Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2-3 sets


Cool Down and Stretch: 5 – 10 minutes

Workout by: Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by SrdjanPav from Getty Images Signature

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