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upper body blaster

Workout: Upper Body Blaster (& Core Stability)

Time: 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Dumbbells, Stopwatch, and 2 Cones or Markers

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes (make sure you warm up your upper body and joint mobility really well)

Circuit #1:

Complete 3 sets of the following exercises.

  • 30 seconds Pull-Overs

  • 30 seconds 1-Arm Flys - right

  • 30 seconds 1-Arm Flys - left

  • 30 seconds Jumping Jacks (but touch the ankles at the bottom

  • 30 seconds Rest

Rest 1 - 2 minutes

Circuit #2:

Complete 3 sets of the following exercises.

  • 30 seconds KB Sit-Ups - left

  • 30 seconds Superman Hold

  • 30 seconds KB Sit-Ups - right

  • 30 seconds V-Jumps

  • 30 seconds Rest

Agility Training:

Set up cones / markers around 50 feet apart. Start each exercise at one cone and finish at the other. Recover and rest as needed. Complete 2 sets.

  • Grapevine (face left) to Cone and Jog Back

  • Grapevine (face right) to Cone and Jog Back

  • Shuffle (face left) to Cone and Jog Back

  • Shuffle (face right) to Cone and Jog Back

  • 1-Legged Bounding (face left) to Cone and Jog Back

  • 2-Legged Bounding (face right) to Cone and Jog Back

  • Bear Crawl to Cone and Jog Back

  • Backwards Jog Down and Jog Back

  • Sprint Down AND Sprint Back

¼ mile Recovery Jog

Core Circuit:

Complete 2 sets of the following exercises. Allow 30 - 60 seconds rest between sets.

  • 30 seconds Hip Bridges

  • 30 seconds Quadruped - alternating

  • 30 seconds Windmills - left

  • 30 seconds Windmills - right

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Dr. Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by Sergey Nazarov

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Workout: Upper Body Blaster!

Upper Body Blaster Workout

Time: 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Weights, Stopwatch, and Bench/Chair

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Complete 3 Sets: No rest between exercises. Rest 10 seconds after the first set and 20 seconds after the second set

  • 20 sec Pushups 

  • 30 sec Plank

Complete 4 Sets:

  • 10 Renegade Rows

  • 30 sec V-Sit

Complete 3 Sets:

  • 15 sec Box Jumps OR Touches

  • 15 sec rest

  • 15 sec Burpees

  • 15 sec rest

  • 15 sec Box Jumps OR Touches

  • 15 sec rest

  • 15 sec Burpees

  • 45 - 60 sec rest

Rest 1 - 3 Minutes

Complete 3 Sets:

  • 40 sec Skull Crushers

  • 40 sec Wipers

  • 40 sec Rest

Rest 1 - 2  Minutes

½ mile Run

Complete 2 Sets:

  • 10 Windmills (10 on EACH side)

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10  minutes

Photo Credit: Canva by kali9 by Getty Images Signature

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