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Workout: Agility, Skills, and Sprints

Agility, Skills, and Sprints

Equipment: Jump Rope, 5-10 lb Weight, and a Stopwatch

Time: 50 minutes

Warm-up: 5-10 minutes - make sure you warm-up well and do some joint mobility too


Complete 5 Rounds:

  • 60-sec Double­‐Unders (or single jump ropes if necessary)

  • 45 sec Hollow Rock (or plank if necessary)

  • 30 sec Squat Hold with Bicep Curl

  • 15-sec V­‐Sit hold

  • 1‐2 min rest and repeat (total of 5 rounds)


  • Set up 2 markers about 50 meters apart.

  • Sprint as fast as you can to each marker at EVERY 1 minute interval

  • The faster you sprint, the more recovery time you have

  • Repeat for a total of 10 minutes

Complete 1-3 rounds of the following:

  • 30-sec hot potato (with weight)

  • 30 sec around the world left

  • 30 sec around the world right

  • 30-sec figure 8's left

  • 30-sec figure 8's right

Cool down & Stretch: 5-10 minutes 

Photo Credit: Canva - ASphotowed by Getty Images Pro

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