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Workout: Bodyweight Conditioning

Body Weight Conditioning

 Equipment Needed: A stopwatch or other timing device

Warm up: (5-10 minutes) 

Circuit 1:

Complete this GIANT Circuit, 3 Sets as fast as you can (with perfect form). 20 seconds each exercise:

  • 20 sec Push-ups

  • 20 sec Knees-to-elbows

  • 20 sec Burpees

  • 20 sec High knee

  • 20 sec Basic squats

  • 20 sec Bicycle crunches

  • 20 sec Tuck jumps or fast squats to calf raise

  • 20 sec Flutter kicks

  • 20 sec Superman plank

  • 20 sec Jump lunges

  • 20 sec Russian twist

3 minutes rest between each set

Circuit 2:

Then, complete 3 Sets of the following core circuit (30 sec per exercise):

  • 30 sec Plank

  • 30 sec Side plank with a dip– left side

  • 30 sec Plank

  • 30 sec Side plank with a dip– right side

  • 1 minute rest between sets

Cool down & Stretch: (5-10 minutes)

Take this Body Type Quiz to discover you body type. Are you an Endomorph, Ectomorph, or Mesomorph?

Photo Credit: Canva - Mladen Zivkovic from Getty Images

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