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Recipe: Simple Sautéed Spinach

Simple Sauteed Spinach

Serving Size: Serves 2


  • 1.5 lbs. of baby spinach, cleaned & dried

  • 3 cloves of garlic, peeled & thinly sliced

  • 1/2 fresh lemon

  • 1.5 Tbsp. coconut oil

  • Sea salt & fresh ground pepper to taste


Heat up a large sauté pan with coconut oil over med heat. Add 1/3 of the spinach to the pot and with tongs, continually turn the spinach for 1-2 minutes. Add the next 1/3 of spinach to the pot, continually turning (about 1 min). Add the final 1/3 of spinach AND the sliced garlic, and continually turn until all of the spinach is mostly wilted (another 1-3 minutes).

Remove spinach mixture from the pot and squeeze ½ lemon over the spinach. Season with salt & pepper and toss well. That’s it! Very easy & super healthy!

Photo Credit: Canva from SherSor by Getty Images

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