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Glass Box of Emotions

Glass Box of Emotions Workout

Time: 40 minutes

Equipment Needed: Weight, a stopwatch, and a chair or bench

Warm up: 5-10 minutes

Complete each circuit below once, allow 1-2 minutes rest between each set

Set #1: 6 minutes - Complete As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP)

  • 15 Squat Jumps

  • 10 Backwards lunge 2 knees

  • 5 Push-ups

Set #2: 5 minutes AMRAP

  • 5 Backwards lunge to Nike Commercial or just Reverse Lunges (5 per side)

  • 7 Pushup to side plank 

  • 9 Sit-Ups

Set #3: 4 minutes AMRAP

  • 10 Laying down Butt lifts to 45 degree kick

  • 10 Each side Same side starfish

  • 15 Bicycle Crunches

 Set #4: 3 minutes AMRAP

  • 6 Step-Ups (6 each side)

  • 6 Dips

 Set #5: 2 minutes AMRAP

  • 5 Bicep Curls

  • 5 Childs pose Push-ups

  • 5 Bench Crunches

 Set #6: 1 minute (As many reps as possible!!)

  • Floppy Burpees!

Cool down & Stretch: 5-10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva - Inside Creative House from Getty Images

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