So I had this huge zucchini that was hiding in my garden. I thought "I love zucchini bread- I want to make that!"
I am also a huge fan of pumpkin, but most pumpkin flavored things are full of crap. I was feeling creative so I wanted to see if I could make a healthier version of the traditional favorite. My plan was to not use butter or oil, and instead to use extra eggs. By golly it worked, and I may have eaten four of them before they even cooled.
I also found a lazy way to "grate" zucchini. Put it in the food processor!
BAM! Easy peasy!
So once your zucchini is grated, squeeze the water out of it.
Preheat the oven to 350 and mix the wet and dry separately first-
3 eggs
Can of pumpkin
"aggressive splash" of vanilla extract
2 cups of zucchini (squeeze the excess water out)
3 cups of flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
about 1/3 cup of sugar....I don't like sweet.
1 teaspoon baking soda (I used a bit more because I wanted them to rise)
(1/2 teaspoon of cloves would be awesome, but I didn't have any)
(nuts would also be awesome....thought about this one when they were in the oven...oops)
Then I mixed it all together and at this point decided on muffins instead of bread. SPRAY MUFFIN TIN with coconut oil or something else (ok...I guess I used a lil oil). Place in your pre-heated oven (350) I started checking on them after 25 minutes but I am at altitude. When the house starts to smell good I start looking. If you are making bread it will take at least 45 mins.
Viola! Pretty easy and they were tasty.