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shoots & ladders

Workout: Shoots & Ladders

four people in a circle doing pushups with all of their heads toward the middle

Time: 45

Equipment Needed: Cones / Markers

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes


Complete a ladder from 10-to-1 of push-ups with mountain climbers with a little extra fun in the mix!

Set up 2 cones about 50 meters apart. 

At Cone #1: Perform 10 push-ups with 3 mountain climbers in between EACH push-up! (Example: 1 push-up, 3 mountain climbers, 1 push-ups, 3 mountain climbers, and so on). Then run to cone #2. Ladder down your push-ups every time you are at cone #1 (with 3 mountain climbers between each push-up).

  • For Example: Your first time at cone #1, you will do 10 push-ups with 3 mountain climbers between each push-up. 

  • Your second time at cone #1, you will do 9 push-ups with 3 mountain climbers between each push-up.

  • And continue to ladder all the way down to 1 push-up and 3 mountain climbers.

At Cone #2: Perform one of the following: 20 kettlebell swings, 15 regular burpees, 15 double-unders (or attempts), or 15 standing tuck jumps. Then jog back to cone #1. The stated rep count at cone #2 stays CONSTANT and does not change. 

½ mile Jog to Finish and Rest as Needed

Cash Out:

Skill Practice

  • 5 Turkish Get-Ups on each side

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Dr. Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by mihailomilovanovic from Getty Images Signature

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