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Recipe: PB-Banana Coffee Smoothie

pb-banana coffee smoothie in a glass with the ingredients around it

🧋 I know this recipe sounds weird for a few reasons, but trust me, it’s DELICIOUS and it makes a quick & easy light breakfast on the go.

  1. The peanut butter: I was skeptical too, but it goes really well with coffee

  2. Yes, that’s regular ground coffee, not instant. It gives a nice “crunch” to your smoothie.

TIP: If you want to boost the staying powder of this smoothie, add ½ to 1 scoop of vanilla or chocolate protein powder! 🍌

Makes 1 smoothie.



  • ½ tbsp ground coffee 

  • 1 tbsp peanut butter

  • ½ tsp vanilla extract

  • ¾ cup (180 ml) of your milk of choice

  • ¼ cup (60 ml) brewed coffee, chilled

  • ½ frozen ripe banana (the riper, the sweeter)

  • ice, as needed to thicken

  • OPTIONAL: Add a small amount of honey or maple syrup to sweeten if necessary



  1. Place all the ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend until smooth. Add more ice (if it’s too thin) or milk (if it’s too thick) to reach your desired consistency. 

  2. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Recipe by: Dr. Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by nata_vkusidey from Getty Images 

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