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fruit chips

Recipe: Baked Banana Chips

banana chips in a white bowl

These chips are a project – they take a long time to crisp in the oven, so make them when you know you’ll be home for several hours.

The trick to making good baked chips is to check them frequently. Because the chips aren’t uniform – not only in size, but in natural moisture/sugar content – they cook at different speeds. Also, not all ovens are perfectly calibrated to a baking temperature, so the time might vary.

Keeping an eye on them makes all the difference!



  • 4 large ripe bananas

  • 4 tablespoons of orange or lemon juice

  • 1 tbsp pumpkin pie spice (optional)

  • Small amount of sea salt (optional)



  1. Preheat the oven to 225 degrees and line two baking sheets with parchment paper.

  2. Cut the peeled bananas into ¼-inch slices and dip into the orange/lemon juice before placing on the baking sheets. Sprinkle with optional spices/salt and put the chips in the oven.

  3. After about 90 minutes, remove from the oven and gently peel the chips up from the parchment paper to flip them over. (Note: if they don’t easily flip and still feel really sticky, bake a little longer before you flip them all.)

  4. Cook for another hour or so (they make take up to four hours total!) and start checking on them for doneness – you’ll know they are done when they turn light brown and are starting to become dry and crisp. Remove from the oven and let cool.

  5. Store in an airtight container.


Recipe by: Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by HandmadePictures from Getty Images

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