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Recipe: Veggie "Detox" Lettuce Wraps

Veggie Detox Lettuce Wraps.png

Serving Size: 1 Serving

***These wraps are included to help rid your body of impurities and detoxify your body… it’s extremely important that you follow the ingredient list below. ☺


  • 2 large leaves of Butter lettuce leaves

  • Any sliced up veggies you want to wrap up in there: peppers, cucumber, tomato, broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, etc. (no corn, beans, nuts, or seeds)

  • Dressing: Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice or Balsamic Vinegar ONLY

  • (***ONLY add tuna, turkey, or chicken if it calls for it in your meal plan)


  1. Take all of your sliced veggies and place them inside the middle of your large Butter lettuce leaves. Sprinkle a small amount of balsamic or lemon juice over your veggies and then wrap it UP!

Photo Credit: Canva by danabeth555 from Getty Images

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Recipe: Morning Mojo - Lemon Ginger Detox

Morning Mojo Lemon Ginger Detox Drink

This is how I start my morning every single day. I highly recommend it!!!


  • 12 oz. glass water (at room temperature)

  • Juice of ½ lemon

  • Either: ½ inch knob ginger root OR a pinch of cayenne pepper


Add the lemon juice to the glass of water.

If ginger: finely grate the ginger using a zester, and add the zest to the glass of water.

If cayenne pepper: add a pinch of cayenne to your water. A perfect way to start your day!

Photo Credit: Canva by bondarillia

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