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deck of christmas

Workout: Deck of Christmas

woman performing donkey kicks on a mat in her living room

Time: 45 - 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Deck of Cards

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Perform the exercises stated for each card of the deck. For example: flip a 10, perform 10 snow angels. Flip over a Queen and perform 1 minute of Butt Kicks. Rest as needed.

  • 2 - Floor Jacks

  • 3 - Suicide Push-Ups (each side)

  • 4 - Donkey Kicks (each side)

  • 5 - Lunge with Leg on Bench (each leg)

  • 6 - Hindu Squats

  • 7 - Cross-Over Mountain Climbers (each leg)

  • 8 - V-Jumps

  • 9 - ¼ mile Run

  • 10 Snow Angels

  • Jack - 1 minute of Jumping Jacks

  • Queen - 1 minute of Butt Kicks

  • King - 1 minute of Mountain Climbers

  • Ace - 1 minute of Bear Crawl

Cool Down and Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by Prostock-studio

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