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Recipe: Banana Oat Cookies

🍪👨‍🍳These fast & easy cookies are a great homemade option any time you crave a sweet treat. 

You can use either old-fashioned rolled oats or instant oats – but the rolled oats will give you a chewier cookie. 

Makes 12 cookies.


  • 1 large ripe banana

  • 1 cup (80 g) oats

  • ⅓ cup (85 g) natural peanut or almond butter

  • ½ Tbsp honey or maple syrup

  • Optional: 2 Tbsp raisins or cacao chips


  1. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and preheat your oven to 350ºF/177ºC.

  2. In a medium mixing bowl, mash the bananas and stir in the oats until well combined. 

  3. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir until mixed. The cookie dough will be sticky – but if it seems too loose, add some more oats until it reaches a cookie dough consistency.

  4. Drop the dough by tablespoon onto your prepared pan and place in the oven. Bake for 12-14 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool.

Recipe by: Dr. Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by Eugen Barbu’s Images

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Recipe: 3-Ingredient Apple Oat Cookies

apple oat cookies on a white lace tablecloth with walnuts apples and cinnamon

🍎Who doesn’t love a great cookie!? This one is healthy AND delicious … and is super simple to make!


You can add dried fruit or nuts. You also can use plain instant oats in this recipe, it might take a few minutes less to bake and the texture will be less oat-ier.


Makes 8 cookies.


  • 4 oz (150 g) applesauce sweetened

  • 1 cup (80 g) rolled oats

  • ½ tsp cinnamon

  • Sprinkle of sea salt


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F/177ºC. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

  2. Add all 3 ingredients to a mixing bowl and mix thoroughly. 

  3. Using a 2 Tbsp scoop, scoop out the dough and place it on the baking sheet, spacing the cookie about 2 inches (5 cm) apart. Press the dough down with the bottom of a glass.

  4. Bake the cookies for 15-16 minutes. They will be done when the edges start to brown.

  5. Remove from the oven and let cool. Enjoy!

  6. (These will keep for several days in the refrigerator.)

Recipe by: Dr. Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by nata_vkusidey from Getty Images 

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Recipe: Naturally Delicious No-Bake Cookies

no-bake cookies on a cookie sheet

Are you a fan of no-bake cookies? Soooo good!

But have you ever seen the original recipe?

Talk about fat and sugar bombs… whoa!

Not anymore… I’ve got a healthified version for you that’s a lot less sugar, and - bonus - it’s loaded with fiber and antioxidants.

PLUS (and most importantly), these cookies taste DELICIOUS!

NOTE: I use a little less honey when I make these, but my taste buds are used to less sugar. You can start with this amount and adjust the next time you make them (because there will be a next time)!

If you want a deep dark chocolatey cookie, use the full 4 Tbsp in this recipe (it’s rich). But if you want a milder taste, 3 Tbsp still delivers a chocolate punch!

Naturally Delicious No-Bake Cookies 

(makes 18 - 20 cookies)


  • ½ cup (165 grams) honey

  • ¼ cup (56 grams) unrefined coconut oil (or grass-fed butter)

  • 3 - 4 Tbsp cocoa powder

  • ¼ tsp sea salt

  • ½ cup (130 grams) natural peanut or almond butter

  • 2 Tbsp chia seeds (optional)

  • ¾ cup (60 grams) old-fashioned rolled oats

  • ⅓ cup (50 grams) chopped pitted dates or prunes


  1. In a medium saucepan over medium heat, combine the honey, coconut oil, coca, and sea salt. Stir until the coconut oil is melted and the mixture is fully combined, about 3 minutes.

  2. Stir in the nut butter and chia seeds and cook until the nut butter is smooth and melted, another 3 minutes. Turn the heat off and stir in the oats and dates. Cover the saucepan and let stand for 5 minutes.

  3. Scoop out the “batter” by Tablespoons onto a parchment-lined baking sheet. Place in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes so they can firm up before eating.

  4. These should be stored in the fridge as they taste best when they are cold.

I hope you enjoy them!

Recipe by: Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by Joshua Resnick

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