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Workout: Quarter Conditioning Challenge

Quarter Conditioning Challenge.png

Time: 30-45 minutes

Equipment Needed: Step or Box

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Complete 4 Sets: Try to do it in your best time with minimal rest.

  • 25 Box Jumps OR 25 Step-Ups per Side OR 50 Touches 

  • 25 Sumo-Deadlift High Pulls

  • 25 Pike Push-Ups

  • 25 Hollow Rock OR 25 Modified V-Ups

  • ¼ mile Run OR ⅛ mile Walk

Cool Down and Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

 ***If you are unsure of how to properly perform the Hollow Rock, check out this video:

Photo Credit: Canva by Jacob Lund

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