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agility awesomeness

Workout: Agility Awesomeness

12_7_21 - Agility Awesomeness.jpg

Time: 45 minutes

Equipment Needed: Cones/Markers and a Stopwatch

Warm Up: 5-10 minutes

Set #1:

10 minutes total time. Complete as many cycles through as possible.

  • 10 Scissor Kicks

  • 10 Deck Squats (or Inchworms)

  • 10 Floppy Burpees

Rest 1-3 minutes

Set #2:

Set cons/markers up about 50 feet apart. Start each exercise at one cone and finish at the other.

  • Groucho (forward) to cone and jog back

  • Groucho (backward) to cone and jog back

  • Shuffle (face left) to cone and jog back

  • Shuffle (face right) to cone and jog back

  • Grapevine (face left) to cone and jog back

  • Grapevine (face right) to cone and jog back

  • Sprint down AND sprint back

Rest 1-3 minutes

Set #3:

  • High Knees to cone and jog back

  • Butt Kicks to cone and jog back

  • Bounding (1-legged) to cone and jog back

  • Bounding (2-legged) to cone and jog back

  • Jog Backwards to cone and jog forwards back

  • Bear Crawl to cone and jog back

  • Sprint down AND sprint back

Rest 1-3 minutes

Set #4:

Complete 1-2 sets.

  • 45 sec Plank

  • 45 sec Alternating Quadruped

  • 30-45 sec of Reverse Crunches

  • 30-45 sec of Oblique Crunches (left)

  • 30-45 sec of Oblique Crunches (right)

Cool Down and Stretch: 5-10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva by Maridav

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