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Workout: Body Weight Circuit & Game

Time: 45 - 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Cones / Markers and a Stopwatch

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Circuit #1:

Complete 2 - 3 sets of the following exercises. Allow 2 minutes rest between each set.

  • 30 - 45 seconds Alternating Reverse Lunges

  • 30 - 45 seconds Push-Ups

  • 30 - 45 seconds Knees-to-Elbows

  • 30 - 45 seconds Prisoner Squats

  • 30 - 45 seconds V-Jumps

Circuit #2:

Use 2 cones / markers to mark off a start and end point about 50 feet apart. Allow 2 - 5 minutes rest after the last sprints have been completed and then REPEAT ONE MORE TIME.

  • Walking Lunges to Cone and Sprint Back

  • Bear Crawl to Cone and Sprint Back

  • Grouchos Forward to Cone and Grouchos Backwards Back

  • Side Shuffle Left Side to Cone and Right Side Back 

  • Grapevine Karaoke Face the Left Going Down and Right Going Back

  • Sprint Down and Back

Rest 2 - 5 minutes

Circuit #2:

Use 2 cones / markers to mark off a start and end point about 40 - 50 feet apart. Complete each exercise down and back for 1 round total.

  • Bear Crawl

  • Bounding (skip with high knees)

  • Grapevine / Karaoke

  • Back Pedal Sprint

Rest 2 - 4 minutes.


Complete 1 - 2 sets of the following exercises. Allow 1 - 2 minutes rest between sets if performing 2 sets.

  • 30 seconds Body Saw Plank

  • 30 seconds Straight Arm Plank

  • 30 seconds Side Plank - left

  • 30 seconds Side Plank - right

  • 30 seconds Plank

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Dr. Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by fizkes from Getty Images Pro

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