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Workout: Agility and Upper Body Awesomeness!

woman in all black running in the park

Time: 45 - 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Weights or Bands and Cones / Markers

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Circuit 1:

Repeat 3x.

  • 30 seconds Rows (left)

  • 30 seconds Rows (right)

  • 30 seconds Pull-Overs

  • 60 seconds Deck Squat (skill practice)

  • Rest 45 - 60 seconds

Rest as needed.

Agility Training:

Set up cones / markers around 50 feet apart. Start each exercise at one cone and finish at the other. Recover as needed. Complete 2 total sets.

  • Groucho (forward) to cone and jog back

  • Groucho (backward) to cone and jog back

  • Shuffle (face left) to cone and jog back

  • Shuffle (face right) to cone and jog back

  • Grapevine (face left) to cone and jog back

  • Grapevine (face right) to cone and jog back

  • Backwards jog down and jog back

  • Sprint down AND sprint back

Circuit 2:

Repeat 2x.

  • 30 seconds Front Raise (right arm)

  • 30 seconds Lateral Raise (right arm)

  • 30 seconds Front Raise (left arm)

  • 30 seconds Lateral Raise (left arm)

  • 45 seconds Arm Circles Forwards into 45 seconds Arm Circles Backwards! Do NOT Drop Your Arms!!

Cool Down and Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by Vasko from Getty Images Signature

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