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Workout: Renegade and Rotation

woman doing superman move during the renegade and rotation workout

Time: 45 minutes

Equipment Needed: A Partner

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Partner Challenge:

One person holds any type of plank they want to (straight arm, side, forearm, etc…) while the other person does 12 renegade rows on each side. Each partner needs to do 3 rounds of rows on each side. If you do not have a partner, alternate between the two exercises.

Rest as long as needed.

Individual Challenge:

Complete 2 rounds of the following exercises in your best time possible while maintaining proper form.

  • 10 Rainbows

  • 20 Supermans

  • 30 Triceps Push-Ups

  • 40 Russian Twiss

  • 50 Wipers

  • ¼ mile Run

Rest as Needed


50 Regular Burpees

Cool Down and Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by pixelshot

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