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Workout: Fat Burner!

8_17_21 - Fat Burner!.jpg

Time: 45 minutes

Equipment Needed: Weights, Jump Rope, and Bench or Chair

Warm Up: 5-10 minutes


Perform the following exercises in order for the stated number of reps. Rest 2-3 minutes after the first set, and then repeat. Rest as needed. 

  • 100 Jump Ropes

  • 35 Squats with Overhead Presses

  • 25 Skull Crushers

  • 20 Windmills (10 each side)

  • 15 Sumo Squats with High Pull

  • 10 Wide Legged Push-Ups

  • 5 Coffins

  • 100 Jump Ropes

Rest 2-3 minutes and Repeat

Perform the 2 exercises for 30 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for 4 total sets. Follow with 1 minute of butt kicks.

Set #1:

  • 30 sec Staggered Hand Push-Ups

  • 10 sec Rest

  • 30 sec Reverse Fly’s

  • 10 sec Rest

  • Repeat for 4 Sets Total

Rest 1-2 minutes

Set #2:

  • 30 sec Hammer Curls

  • 10 sec Rest

  • 30 sec Bench Dips

  • 10 sec Rest

  • Repeat for 4 Sets Total

Rest 1-2 minutes

Set #3:

  • 30 sec Hand Planks on Weights

  • 10 sec Rest

  • 30 sec Flutter Kicks

  • 10 sec Rest

  • Repeat 4 Sets Total

Rest 1-2 minutes

Cool Down and Stretch: 5-10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva by Dragan Grkic from Getty Images Pro

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