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Workout: Switching it Up!

8_10_21 - Switching it Up!.jpg

Time: 45 minutes

Equipment Needed: Dumbbells, Kettlebells, or Band

Warm Up: 5-10 minutes

Set #1:

Perform 3 sets of the following. Allow 30-60 rest between sets.

  • 30 sec Rows (L)

  • 30 sec Rows (R) 

  • 30 sec Overhead Triceps Press

  • 30 sec Modified V-Ups (15 sec with left leg up, 15 with right)

  • 30 sec Mountain Climbers


Set #2:

Complete as many rounds of the following as possible in 6 minutes. I usually use kettlebells for these presses but if you don’t have any, you can use a heavier dumbbell, exercise band, or another heavy item.

  • 3 “Bottoms-Up” Presses (hold the kettlebell handle with the bottom facing the sky)

  • 8 Regular Burpees

Rest 1-3 minutes

Set #3:

Set up cones/markers around 50 feet apart. Start each exercise at one cone and finish at the other.

  • Groucho (½ forward and ½ backwards) to cone and jog back

  • Shuffle (stay low - face left) to cone and jog back

  • Shuffle (stay low - face right) to cone and jog back

  • Grapevine (face left) to cone and jog back

  • Grapevine (face right) to cone and jog back

  • Bear Crawl to cone and jog back

Cool Down and Stretch: 5-10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva by March Sirawit Hengthabthim’s Images

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