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Workout: Perfect 10!

Perfect 10!.png

Time: 50 - 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Weights and a Stopwatch 

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Timer for 10 Minutes: Complete as many rounds as possible of the following exercises with limited rest until the 10 minutes is up. 

  • 10 Squats with Overhead Press

  • 10 Walking Lunges (5 each leg)

  • 10 Tuck Jumps

¼ mile Recovery Run

2 - 4 minutes Rest

Timer for 10 Minutes: Complete as many rounds as possible of the following exercises with limited rest until the 10 minutes is up.

  • 10 Jump Squats

  • 10 Suicide Push Ups

  • 10 Full Sit Ups

¼ mile Recovery Run

2 - 4 minutes Rest

Timer for 10 Minutes: Complete as many rounds as possible of the following exercises with limited rest until the 10 minutes is up.

  • 10 Floppy Burpees

  • 10 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

  • 10 Bent Over Rows (5 each side)

¼ mile Recovery Run

3 - 5 minutes Rest

Complete 2 Sets: 

  • 60 sec Frog Jumps

  • 60 sec Butt Kicks

  • 60 sec Floor Jacks

  • 60 sec Recovery

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva by WavebreakMedia from Getty Images Pro

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