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Change your life in 2022

Happy almost 2022!

I sent this out to my email list today.

Thought I should post it here too.

If you want tips to live a happier and healthier delivered to your inbox twice a week get signed up here-

In the video below I  talk about 2 main things-

1)  A tip to ditch all or nothing thinking

2) How a mindset shift can revamp your life.

- In the video I invite you to join me for a 3 day Happier Healthier Human mindset shift- it’s the secret to having success (spoiler alert- it’s by rewiring your brain and the way you think 🧠👊💪)

I promise this will be so different than any other “new years resolution” you’ve ever taken part in. This is performance psychology- I’ve been studying this since 2003 but I’ve always been interested in it.

I think because at a very young age I realized I thought very differently from the humans around me. Spoiler alert- I truly believed I could CHANGE- I 100% believe it’s my mindset that has helped me be successful starting from a very young age (I started delivering newspapers at 10 to buy a trampoline, which led me to diving (self funded for 8 years), which got me a full scholarship, which allowed me to represent Finland and then find out 12 days before the Olympics I wasn’t going ☹).

I always knew I thought differently, so I wanted to study why that was. I wanted to know the why behind how people’s brains worked. Why did some people believe they could be successful and others didn’t? That thought along with a behavioral psychology class I took as an undergrad- and a book called Don’t Shoot the Dog totally changed my life. Since then, I have been hooked on positive psychology and how to live your best life. Another spoiler alert- it’s all in YOUR control- you just have to train your brain to think differently.

Earlier this year I found out about a ton of health issues; Traumatic Brain Injuries, a potential brain tumor (I’m fine!!! No tumor), ADHD, depression, anxiety and an autoimmune disease. Taking a holistic perspective, I’ve made sustainable changes to my nutrition and workout routines and now I’m mainly healthy and happy (but I really do miss cheese, dairy and gluten ☹).

Here’s my secret to happiness – kick ass, move your body, and help others.

Moving my body and coaching humans to live happier and healthier lives IS MY HAPPY PLACE. It keeps my brain happy (with ADHD I hyper-focus on things I am passionate about) and my depression and anxiety at bay.

Fitness will always be a part of me and my business. But mindset and behavior change will be a huge focus in my business this upcoming year. The hardest part of lifestyle change is mindset. If you can take charge of your mindset ALL your goals become attainable. Whether fitness and health-related, career-focused, relationship, financial, starting that side hustle, taking care of yourself- anything and everything can become attainable by re-wiring your brain for success and changing the way you think about things.  

I truly want to help you live your best life. These 3 days could do that for you. Only sign up if you are open for change and willing to do some work on yourself.

If that’s you, I’d love to have you.

It takes place January 11-13th (potential bonus coaching on Friday)

You can sign up here.

It’s $75 if you sign up before 2022 and you can join for free if you invite 3 friends to my FB group. Once you’ve done so send me an email or a FB message and I’ll send you a code.

Prices increase January 1st

Reach out with questions.

I can’t wait for 2022 to be your best year yet! These 3 days can change your whole year!

💪 Saara

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Reach out!

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