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Workout: Beat the Clock

11_2_21 - Beat the Clock .jpg

Time: 45 minutes

Equipment Needed: Weights

Warm Up: 5-10 minutes

Set #1:

Perform the following exercises for the stated number of reps and keep track of your time. Rest 2-3 minutes and then repeat and try to beat your first time.

  • 30 Jump Lunges

  • 30 Triceps Push-Ups

  • 30 Jump Squats

  • 30 Flutter Kicks (30 each leg)

  • 30 V-Jumps

  • 30 Bent Over Rows

  • 30 Cross-Over Mountain Climbers (30 each leg)

  • 30 Reverse Lunges with a Front Kick (30 each leg)

  • 30 Knee Highs with Overhead Presses (optional with weights - 30 each leg)

  • 30 Bench Crunches

Rest 2-3 minutes

Repeat for a second set and try to beat your time.


Two different sets of Tabata. Perform the first exercise for 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for 8 sets or 4 minutes total. Rest 1-2 minutes and perform the 2nd Tabata in the same format.

  1. Plank

  2. Bicycle Crunches


  • 20 sec Plank

  • Rest 10 sec

  • 20 sec Plank

  • Rest 10 sec

  • Etc… for a total of 8 sets (4 minutes)

Rest 1-2 minutes

Perform Bicycle Crunches same as above.

Cool Down and Stretch: 5-10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva by FatCamera from Getty Images Signature

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