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Workout: Double up!

10_5_21 - Double Up.jpg

Time: 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Jump Rope and Dumbbells

Warm Up: 5-10 minutes

Set #1:

Perform the following set for the allotted number of reps. Rest as needed. Rest 3-4 minutes at the end of the set and then repeat for a second set.

  • 20 Bench Dips

  • 40 Jump Ropes - Double Rotation or Singles

  • 20 Arnold Presses

  • 40 Jump Ropes - Double Rotation or Singles

  • 20 Close Push-Ups

  • 40 Jump Ropes - Double Rotation or Singles

  • 20 Snow Angels

  • 40 Jump Ropes - Double Rotation or Singles

  • 20 Rows (10 each side)

  • 40 Jump Ropes - Double Rotation or Singles

  • 25 Spiderman Plank

  • 25 Reverse Crunches

  • 25 V-Sits

  • 25 Bicycles

Rest 2-4 minutes

Repeat for 2 total sets

Set #2:

Perform the following set for the allotted number of reps. Rest as needed. Rest 3-4 minutes at the end of the set and then repeat for a second set.

  • 20 Bicep Curls - right leg lifted off the floor

  • 40 Jump Squats (modify with regular squats if needed)

  • 20 Arm Circles - Back

  • 40 Jump Squats

  • 20 Lateral Raises - left leg lifted off the floor

  • 40 Jump Squats

  • 20 Quadruped (10 each side)

  • 40 Jump Squat

  • 20 Arm Circles - Forward

  • 40 Jump Squats

  • 25 Body Saws

  • 25 Oblique Crunches - left side

  • 25 Toe Touches

  • 25 Oblique Crunches - right side

Rest 2-4 minutes

Repeat for 2 total sets

Cool Down and Stretch: 5-10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva by AzmanL from Getty Images Signature

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