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Workout: Everything Counts

Woman Doing Plank in Everything Counts Workout

Time: 50 minutes

Equipment Needed: Weights and Stopwatch

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Complete 2 Sets of The Following:

  • ½ mile Run

  • 10 Jump Lunges

  • 20 Full Sit-Ups

  • 30 Burpee Push-Ups

  • 40 Hindu Squats

  • 50 Mountain Climbers

  • Rest 2-3 minutes, repeat

Complete 3 Sets of The Following:

  • 20 Bent over Rows

  • 15 Bicep Curls (arms out to the side - parallel with their shoulders)

  • 10 Push-Ups

  • 5 Floppy Burpees

  • Rest 1-2 minutes, repeat


  • 60 second Plank

  • 30 second Recovery

  • 60 second Plank

  • 30 second Recovery

  • 60 second Plank

  • 30 second Recovery

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva by Jacob Lund

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