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Workout: Core and Metabolic Booster 

Core and Metabolic Booster

Equipment Needed: A Stopwatch, a Wall, and a Mat

Time: 30-40 Minutes

Warm-Up: (5-10 min)

Timed: (10 minutes) As many cycles through as possible

  • 8 floppy burpees (just get the chest on the ground)

  • 10 Legs up the wall reach to the OUTSIDE of your foot toe touches 10 per side

  • 10 flutter kicks

  • 20-sec plank

Then: (core!) 10 exercises for 10 minutes (45 seconds of work with 15 seconds of recovery)

  • Jackknife (Right leg extended) 

  • Bicycle crunches

  • Jackknife (Left leg extended) 

  • Superman hold

  • Oblique crunches (Right side) 

  • Plank

  • Oblique crunches (Left side) 

  • Reverse crunches

  • Side plank with dip (Right side) 

  • Side plank with dip (Left Side)

Cool Down & Stretch: (5-10 min)

Photo Credit: Canva - blanscape by Getty Images

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