Equipment Needed: A Stopwatch, a Wall, and a Mat
Time: 30-40 Minutes
Warm-Up: (5-10 min)
Timed: (10 minutes) As many cycles through as possible
8 floppy burpees (just get the chest on the ground)
10 Legs up the wall reach to the OUTSIDE of your foot toe touches 10 per side
10 flutter kicks
20-sec plank
Then: (core!) 10 exercises for 10 minutes (45 seconds of work with 15 seconds of recovery)
Jackknife (Right leg extended)
Bicycle crunches
Jackknife (Left leg extended)
Superman hold
Oblique crunches (Right side)
Oblique crunches (Left side)
Reverse crunches
Side plank with dip (Right side)
Side plank with dip (Left Side)
Cool Down & Stretch: (5-10 min)
Photo Credit: Canva - blanscape by Getty Images