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Workout: Running Fat Blaster Cardio & Core

Running Fat Blaster Cardio & Core

Equipment Needed: A stopwatch and a Mat

Time: 45-60 minutes

Warm-up: (5-10 minutes)

Running-Cardio Training:

Interval Training 30 minutes: bring a watch with you that keeps seconds.  Run at a fast pace for 1:30 (minute and a half) and recover (slow jog/very fast walk) 1 min.  Keep repeating this until you complete the 30 minutes.  The time will go by faster than you think because you will be watching the clock.  Do the best that you can! Cool down and stretch well when you are finished.

Core Work:

  • 60 seconds Jackknife (30 sec on each side)

  • 50 Basic Crunches (for speed)

  • 40 Supermans

  • 35 Scissor Kicks

  • 30 Sec Left Side Plank

  • 25 Reverse Crunches

  • 20 Second Regular Plank

  • 25 Crunches Legs Up (as straight as you can make them)

  • 30 Sec right Side Plank

  • 35 Second Flutter Kicks

  • 40 Bicycle Crunches

  • 50 Big Supermans (on belly arms and legs up and wide)

  • 60 seconds alternating 1 Leg Tuck Kick Outs 

Cool Down & Stretch: (5-10 minutes)

Photo Credit: Canva - skeeze--272447 from Pixabay

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