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Workout: Winded

Girl jumping while doing the winded workout

Time: 45-60 minutes

Equipment Needed: mat, bench or chair, weight, and stopwatch

Warm-up: 5 - 10 minutes 


Set up markers 100 feet apart from each other. Run down to one marker and then run backwards to the other cone. Continue for 4-5 minutes. 

Rest 3 - 4 minutes 

Perform the following 3 stations moving every 3 minutes to the next station. Perform each station 3 times. Rest 2 minutes between each completion of the 3 stations.


Station # 1: (3 minutes)

  • 9 curb/bench jumps

  • 9 bench dips

  • 9 bench crunches

  • 30 second recovery

Station #2: (3 minutes)

  • 9 jump squats

  • 9 tuck jumps (floor not standing)

  • 9 deck squats (can modify with 5 inchworms)

  • 30 second recover

Station #3: (3 minutes)

  • 9 jump lunges

  • 9 snow angels

  • 9 bent over rows

  • 30 second recovery

2 minutes rest and then repeat 2 more times

Then Complete 2 Sets: 

  • 30 second plank

  • 30 second cross-over mountain climbers

  • 30 second plank

  • 30 second recovery


Cool Down and Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva by Boggy

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