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Workout: Legs Day Baby! 

Legs workout

Time: 45 minutes

Equipment Needed: Bench or chair

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes


Set #1:

Complete 3 rounds of the following exercises

  • 30 sec Body Weight Squats

  • 30 sec Alternating

  • Reverse Lunges

  • 30 sec Push-ups

  • 30 sec Mountain Climbers


Set #2:

Complete 3 rounds of the following exercises

  • 30 sec

  • Step-­ups on Bench (L) 

  • 30 sec Step-­ups on Bench (R) 

  • 30 sec Triceps Dips

  • 30 sec Rest


2 - 3 minutes rest


Set #3:

2 rounds of the following exercises

  • 30 sec Split Lunges on Bench (L) 

  • 30 sec Calf Raises

  • 30 sec Split Lunges on Bench (R) 

  • 30 sec Rest


2 - 3 minutes rest

Set #4:

2 rounds of the following exercises

  • 30 sec Lateral lunges (L) 

  • 30 sec Mountain Climbers

  • 30 sec Lateral Lunges (R) 

  • 30 sec Rest

Set Markers 50 ft Apart:

  • Groucho (forward) to cone and Jog back 

  • Groucho (backward) to cone and jog back 

  • Shuffle (face left)

  • Shuffle (face right) 

  • Grapevine (face left) 

  • Grapevine (face right)

  • Backwards jog there and forwards jog back. 

  • Sprint there and back!

2 - 3 minutes Rest


Complete 2 Rounds

  • 30 sec Crunches

  • 30 sec Plank (left) 

  • 30 sec Superman 

  • 30 sec Plank (right)

  • 3 sec Reverse Crunches


Cool down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva from Dirima by Getty Images Pro

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