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Workout: The Furnace... Boot Camp Style Baby!

The Furnace... Boot Camp Style Baby!

Time: 40 minutes

Equipment Needed: light - medium weight

Warm up: 10-15 minutes  

Perform this cycle through following the timed format of 45 seconds work time to 15 seconds rest/transition time.

Complete 2 sets with ample rest in between and a ¼ mile jog.

The Boot Camp Furnace:

  • Overhead lunge left

  • Overhead lunge right

  • Burpees (or swings)

  • Kneeling windmill left

  • Kneeling Windmill right

  • Burpees (or swings)

  • Push Presses Left OR Turkish Get‐Up to palm (left)

  • Push Presses right OR Turkish Get‐Up to palm (right)

  • Burpees (or swings)

  • Hip Bridge (repetitions) OR Full Turkish Get­‐Up (left)

  • Full Sit-­‐Ups OR Full Turkish Get‐Up (right)

  • Burpees (or swings)

1/4 mile jog and recovery in between each set.

Cool down & Stretch: 5-10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva - Ilona Shorokhova by Getty Images

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