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Workout: Upper Body Strength and Toning

Upper Body Strength and Toning

Time: 40 minutes

Equipment Needed: 5-10 lb weight, stopwatch, and a bench or chair

Warm Up: 5-10 minutes

Begin with:

  • 15 Large Arm Circles (forward and backward)

  • 10 Down Dog with SCOOP into Cobra

  • 10 Push-Ups (assisted or Regular)

Then, complete 3 Sets (straight through without rest if possible):  

  • 10 Push-Ups straight into 30 seconds Plank

Then complete this GIANT Circuit: 

Repeat 2-3 times (use 5-10 lb weights)

  • 18 Rows (on each side with weight)

  • 18 Tricep Kickbacks (with weight)

  • 18 Bicep Curls (with weight)

  • 18 Presses (left arm) (with weight)

  • 18 Flys (with weight)

  • 18 Reverse Flys (with weight)

  • 18 Dips on a chair or bench

  • 18 Hammer Curls (for Biceps - with weight)

  • 18 Presses (right arm) (with weight)

  • 18 Push-Ups

  • 18 Pullovers (with weight)

  • 18 Skull Crushers (with weight)

After you have completed your 2-3 sets, your upper body should be pretty fatigued!  Finish it off with 2 MINUTES of arm circles!  60 seconds to the front and another 60 seconds backward. 


Cool Down & Stretch: 5-10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva - Mladen Zivkovic from Getty Images Pro

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