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sexy bottom

Workout: Sexy Bottom by 6!

6_29_21 - Sexy Bottom.jpg

Time: 45 minutes

Equipment Needed: Weights and a Step-Up

Warm Up: 5-10 minutes

Circuit 1:

Perform the following 3 exercises for the number of reps stated for 6 minutes

  • 30 Smurf Jacks

  • 20 Plank with Alternating Butt Kicks (10 each leg)

  • 10 Squat with Calf Raises

Rest 2-3 minutes

Perform the following sets for 6 minutes each each. There are 3 exercises per set, perform 6 reps of each. Continue each set of exercises in each set for 6 minutes. After EACH SET, run ½ mile (or do 100 jacks). Then rest 2-3 minutes before moving onto the next set.

Set #1:

  • 6 Reverse Lunge with Front Kick - each leg

  • 6 Sumo Squats with High Pull

  • 6 Step-Ups with Knee Raise and Overhead Press (with weights)

⅛ mile run

Rest 2-3 minutes

Set #2:

  • 6 Hindu Squats

  • 6 One-Legged Deadlifts (with weights)

  • 6 Step Ups with Lateral Raises - each leg

⅛ mile run

Rest 2-3 minutes

Set #3: 

  • 6 Groucho Forward and 6 Groucho Backward

  • 6 Box Jumps (modify step-ups alternating 6 each leg)

  • 6 Step-Up with Glute Kickback

⅛ mile run

Rest 2-3 minutes

Set #4:

  • 6 Walking Lunges with Bicep Curls - each leg (weights)

  • 6 Abduction - each leg

  • 6 Lunge with Leg on Bench - each leg (weights)

⅛ mile run 

Rest 2-3 minutes

Set #5:

  • 6 Frog Jumps

  • 6 Hydrates - each leg

  • 6 Donkey Kicks - each leg

⅛ mile run

Rest 2-3 minutes

Cool Down and Stretch: 5-10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva by aleksandrkondratov

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