Time: 45 - 60 minutes
Equipment Needed: A Partner
Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes
Partner Challenge:
Perform the following challenge exercises as a TEAM. The first set should work out to 30 reps per person, not 60. Example: Thrusters - each person should perform 30each to reach a team total of 60. Rows - each person should perform 30 rows per person on BOTH sides to reach a team total of 60 per side.
Complete the following exercises in your best time possible as a team.
¼ mile Run (with your partner)
60 Squat and Press (Thrusters)
60 Rows on EACH Side
60 Floppy Burpees
60 Leg Throws
¼ mile Run (with your partner)
40 Squat and Press (Thrusters)
40 Rows on EACH Side
40 Floppy Burpees
40 Leg Throws
¼ mile Run (with your partner)
20 Squat and Press (Thrusters)
20 Rows on EACH Side
20 Floppy Burpees
20 Leg Throws
¼ mile Run (with your partner)
Cool Down and Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes
Workout by: Saara Haapanen
Photo Credit: Canva by Antonio_Diaz from Getty Images