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Workout: Progression Baby!

10_12_21 - Progression Baby!.jpg

Time: 45 minutes

Equipment Needed: Stopwatch and Dumbbells

Warm Up: 5-10 minutes

Perform the 4 sets below with 60 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest. Then follow-up with a Tabata of Wind Sprints. Then return to the top and repeat the entire workout again. In the second round, replace the Wind Sprints Tabata for a Tabata set of Mountain Climbers.

Set #1:

  • 60 sec Push-Ups

  • Rest 15 sec

  • 60 sec Triceps Push-Ups

  • Rest 15 sec

  • 60 sec Plyo Push-Ups

Rest 1 minutes

Set #2:

  • 60 sec Prisoner Squats

  • Rest 15 sec

  • 60 sec Squat Pulse / Quick Squats

  • Rest 15 sec

  • 60 sec Jump Squats

Rest 1 minutes

Set #3:

  • 60 sec Bent-Over Rows

  • Rest 15 sec

  • 60 sec Lateral Tap Downs

  • Rest 15 sec

  • 60 sec Renegade Rows

Rest 1 minute

Set #4:

  • 60 sec Alternating Reverse Lunges

  • Rest 15 sec

  • 60 sec Alternating Lateral Lunges

  • Rest 15 sec

  • 60 sec Alternating Jump Lunges

Rest 1 minutes

Tabata Set for 1st Round: Wind Sprints Tabata


  • 20 sec Wind Sprints

  • 10 sec Rest

  • Repeat for a total of 8 sets / 4 minutes)

Tabata Set for 2nd Round: Mountain Climbers

Cool Down and Stretch: 5-10 minutes

Photo Credit: Canva by EmirMemedovski from Getty Images Signature

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